The Development Direction Of Chinese Plant Extracts

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Medicine : Health & Medical

Products Made From Goji Berries

Chinese medicine specialist Springherb is distributing different products that have been developed and made from the fruit. Springherb offers a wide range and lineups of Chinese herbal medicine products.

How Do Experts Treat Gout? Part 1

Gout is a disorder due to an inborn error of metabolism. The result is an overproduction of uric acid. This overproduction process leads to an accumulation of monosodium crystals in multiple organ systems with the most common manifestations occurring in the joints and kidneys.Gout is more common in

Five Ways To Control Diabetes

If you have the tendency to inherit diabetes, you must read this and always be aware of the symptoms of the disease. There are many people, unfortunately, who do not know the signs or symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. Those who suffer from th

Medicinal Benefits of Mushrooms

When it comes to mushrooms, most of us love to eat it in delicious sauces or oven baked, but not many of us know that there are some medicinal mushrooms that have healing purposes. In this article, we will look at the basic ways that some of these medicinal mushrooms can help us. The first medicinal

Things to Know About Cord Blood Banking

Patients who suffer from serious blood disorders can benefit from the cord blood stem cell transplants. Read on the article to find more information about the umbilical cord blood banking.

Traditional Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbs are a traditional form of medication that has been used for centuries. Known as “TCM” for short, this method is now being practiced across the world. It is known as an alternative form of medicine in the United States, but many people are leaning to its more natural state t

Treating Aching Legs With Comfort and Style

The look of the traditional compression wear has come a long way since its emergence. Today, you will find them in different colours as they have got a stylish and elegant appearance. Apart from offli

Increase Fertility by Avoiding Hidden Soy Foods

Soy foods are usually considered a healthy thing for both men and women. However, those women who want to get pregnant, soy foods should be avoided by them. According to some recent studies it has ...

Natural Remedies and Precautions to Prevent Catching a Cold or the Flu

Why is it so hard for some to believe that the healthy natural body is innately equipped to fight off germs that cause the body to get sick? Truth be told, the human body is able to quickly rid itself of foreign substances without any outside help from man made medicine. In some cases, unnatural med

Side Effects of Dexfenfluramine

Dexfenfluramine is a weight loss pill marketed with the brand name Redux. It is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and releasing agent. Redux is actually dexfenfluramine hydrochloride. U.S. Food and Drug

Alexandria Va Chiropractor

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