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Health & Medical : Health & Medical

Aromatherapy Health Guidance Tips

Aromatherapy health is certainly not a new concept, but it has gained in popularity over recent years thanks to the influence of the mass media. It is also a rather more pleasant way of keeping healthy than popping pills all the time.

1000 Calorie Meal Plan - Finding the Willpower

It's easy to say you're going to start running a 1000 calorie meal plan, but consuming that little each day takes an enormous amount of willpower for anyone who likes to eat. Since few people ...

12 Ways To Prevent Yeast Infections

Yeast infections plague many women. It is estimated that 75% of women will have suffered from a yeast infection at least once in their lives. So it's important to know how to prevent them. There ...

How to Identify Mite Bites

Mites are tiny, but you can usually spot them with the unaided eye. They may look like insects, but they actually belong to the same family as ticks and spiders. Many species of mites exist, several of which commonly affect humans. Different types of mites like specific kinds of environments. The be

Indian Face Massage - Non-Surgical Face Lift

Our faces can express thousands of feelings and words without even opening our mouths. It also tells other people our age, condition, and situation whether we are happy, sad, angry, or shy. In other words, just by looking at our faces, most people can tell us who we are. For this reason, many indivi

Rubella, Congenital

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Rubella, Congenital is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Reimbursement and Relative Value Units

I am an APN employed by a hospital-managed primary care physician's group. The hospital would like to change the way that I am reimbursed by using RVUs. Will this be fair and reasonable for me?

How to Go About Diagnosing Dementia

Dementia is a term that describes the symptoms which appear when the brain of the sufferer is affected by particular conditions and diseases, e.g. Alzheimer's or a stroke. As with most problems, treatment is most ...

Mac Make Up - Top Reasons Why I Love Mac Make Up

What do you think the best think about MAC make up is? Do you love the way that the colors you see in the packaging come out on your face the exact same shade, without you having to put a pound of it on? Is it the way that MAC is the brand of choice for so many industry professionals? Or do you find

Possible Risks During Yogassage Therapy

Painful conditions on our muscles are commonly the result of tension and adhesions on the soft tissues of the human body. This health issue may also cause other problems when given less importance or when ...

Treatments for Head Lice

Head lice are parasites that are highly contagious. Infestations are a common problem among elementary school children due primarily to the sharing of personal items and close head contact during play. Once infected, the child can then infect the rest of her family members. Identifying the lice and

ProExtender System

Why settle with a package? Many things in life come in packages... Love, relationships and even marriage! So does, ProExtender System! In this era of advancement of science, we tend to forget basic and simple ...

Early Surgery vs Drugs in Endocarditis Treatments

The benefits of early valve surgery to treat infective endocarditis have been difficult to study in retrospective trials due to treatment biases and differences in baseline characteristics.