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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Spondylolisthesis: Conditions & Treatment
Spondylolisthesis is the medical term used to describe a condition resulting from the displacement of the spine's vertebrae. The condition can be debilitating in extreme cases. Spondylolisthesis is usually the result of a bone defect known as spondylolysis, bone disease, congenital birth defects, sp
Prophylactic Placement of an Inferior Vena Cava Filter
What is the safety and efficacy of this procedure for patients who undergo major spine reconstruction?
Ask the Experts - What Investigations Would Help to Diagnose the Cause...
She is currently receiving oral anticoagulation medication with good control of INR. Can you suggest any further investigations that might be of diagnostic use?
11 Aricept Deaths in Clinical Trial
There were 11 deaths in vascular dementia patients taking the Alzheimer's drug Aricept in a clinical study -- and no deaths in patients taking inactive placebo pills.
High Doses of Vitamin D Cut MS Relapses
High doses of vitamin D dramatically cut the relapse rate in people with multiple sclerosis, a study shows.
Understanding Opioids: Part 1
A panel of pain experts looks at what constitutes appropriate opioid prescribing.
Brain Scan Spots Early Alzheimer's
PET scans can help accurately determine the cause of early dementia, avoiding unnecessary drug therapy and lengthy nursing-home stays for wrongly diagnosed Alzheimer's.
Lexapro for Neuropathy Pain
Lexapro is a medication that is gaining increasing support for its ability to help with neuropathy, despite the fact that it was originally intended for curing symptoms of depression. Lexapro is considered to be very helpful for neuropathic pain, and side effects are relatively minor and manageable.
CDC: About 5% of Kids Have ADHD
The CDC reports that about 5% of U.S. children aged 6-17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to their parents.
A Man With Headaches Following a Minor Automobile Accident
Severe headaches persisted and the patient subsequently underwent MRI scan of the brain, which was abnormal.
Natural History of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
What is the likelihood of rupture of a brain AVM? This review summarizes their natural history and assesses the risk of spontaneous hemorrhage.
How to Tell If You Have Peripheral Neuropathy
Your peripheral nervous system consists of nerves used for movement, known as motor nerves and sensory nerves. These nerves are connected to your central nervous system. When you have damage to your nerves, called peripheral neuropathy, you will suffer from an inability to feel normal sensations or
Gait Freezing in Parkinson Disease
The effect of freezing gait on quality of life in patients with Parkinson disease is explored in this study.
Nerve Damage Exercises
Although dealing with nerve damage can make exercising more difficult, there are exercises that can improve your health and decrease the pain felt from nerve damage. Because a lot of nerve damage tends to exist in the legs and feet, these are two areas that you will want to pay special attention to
An Update on Toxic and Drug-Induced Peripheral Neuropathies
This review focuses on new insights into the understanding of the pathophysiology of chemotherapy-and drug-induced peripheral neuropathies.
Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Learn how neuroimaging can provide essential information for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders, as well as assessment and monitoring of pathological brain changes in these conditions.
Is 90 mg TPA Enough in Overweight Patients?
Dr. Mark Alberts discusses a new study in Stroke assessing whether the maximum TPA dose of 90 mg is enough for patients weighing more than 100 kg.
Emerging Strategies for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
An overview of emerging methodologies in the fight against multiple sclerosis, highlighting strategies for prevention through immune modulation, and repair via neuroprotection and remyelination.
Your Introduction to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurologically devastating disease in which patients slowly lose their ability to move. Learn more about the signs, symptoms, and therapies for ALS here.