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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Nerves of the Hand
The main nerves of the hand are the radial nerve, the median nerve, and the ulnar nerve.
Mobilization After rtPA Within 24 Hrs of Acute Stroke
AVERT, a large, ongoing international phase III trial, tests whether starting out of bed activity within 24 hours of stroke onset improves outcome. What factors might influence inclusion of patients?
Herniated Disc & Pinched Nerve Arm Pain
A herniated cervical disc occurs when the outer covering of disc cartilage cracks. Consequently, the jelly-like nucleus inside puts pressure on spinal nerves, which can cause pain to radiate down the arm, according to Mayfield Clinic.
Blood Marker Predicts Alzheimer's
Elderly people are three times more likely to get Alzheimer's disease if they have high blood levels of A-Beta 42, an essential building block for plaque.
Progress for Man Who Spoke After 10-Year Coma
Speaking after a years-long silence imposed by brain injury is “rare,” doctors say.
Brain Defect Underlies Reading Difficulties of Dyslexia
A defect in a single part of the brain may underlie the reading difficulties of dyslexics, but intensive training can help them overcome their problems and allow them to read.
Brain Protein Is a Key to 'Senior Moments,' Study Finds
Age-related forgetfulness is caused by protein deficiency, scientists studying humans and mice say
Management of Acute Odontoid Fracture
Selection criteria and techniques that these authors have refined over the years have helped them to optimize success rates and minimize complications.
More Than 3 Million Have Dementia
Nearly 1 in 7 U.S. adults aged 71 and older -- about 3.4 million people -- have dementia, experts report in the journal Neuroepidemiology.
MRI-Like Technique Spots Alzheimer's Plaques
Researchers may have moved a step closer to understanding one of the central mysteries of Alzheimer's disease.
A Novel Treatment for Glioblastoma: Integrin Inhibition
The prognosis for the majority of patients with glioblastoma remains discouraging. This review focuses on the potential of anti-integrin strategies as a promising therapeutic option.
What Goes Wrong in the Brain With Tourette Syndrome?
These findings suggest a mechanism for the generation of tics in patients with Tourette syndrome.
Get Relief From Your Multiple Sclerosis Pain
WebMD explains how you can ease pain from multiple sclerosis, including OTC drugs, muscle relaxants, and methods like biofeedback and cognitive behavioral therapy.
NFL's $1 Billion Concussion Case in Appeals Court
NFL's $1 Billion Concussion Case in Appeals Court
Multiple Sclerosis Pain
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of multiple sclerosis pain including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Relief for Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve can be a part of a larger problem or a minor annoyance. Regardless, it is usually uncomfortable and painful. Luckily, there are a number of herbal and man-made medicines and dietary changes available to help reduce the pain and suffering it brings.
New Study Shows Brain Cells May Continue to Grow in Adults
New research reported in the Oct. 15 issue of the journal Science shows that the brain actually regenerates cells that are used for learning and memory, at least in the macaque monkey.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Emerging Tribulations
While recent studies have shown encouraging results for potential treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, they have also revealed limitations in current trial design for this disease.
Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Due to Coagulation
Each year, approximately 37,000 to 52,400 people in the US suffer an ICH.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Historical Vignette
Ibn Sina (often known by his last name in Latin, Avicenna; 980-1037 A.D.) was the most famous physician and philosopher of his time.