10 Reasons to Stop Smoking You Haven"t Thought Of

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Where to Go to Stop Smoking?

Are you looking for help to stop smoking? Are you asking where to go to stop smoking as well? First of all, accepting that you need expert or professional help in order to quit smoking is the initial step to recovery.

Best Natural Ways to Stop Smoking Naturally

So what are the best natural ways to stop smoking naturally and easily? Do you really have to either use the cold turkey method or take quit smoking pills or patches to finally succeed to stop smoking for good... or is there an easier way?


The definition of the term 'Molly' from the About.com Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site.

Relaxing Without Alcohol - An Alcoholic's Guide

One of the most commonly given reasons that people use for drinking, especially in the evening at home or after work, is that it helps them relax. While this may be true, alcohol is essentially an add

Stop Smoking by Using E-Cigarette

When folks prefer to quit smoking, it helps if they can have a helpful smoking replacement that will make the method less difficult. Finally, there are a lot easier approaches to give up smoking, such ...


Addiction is defined as compulsive physical and mental need for a habit-forming substance. Nicotine addiction is powerful.

Alcohol Cure Best With a Holistic Approach

If you or someone you know is suffering from alcoholism, you know how controlling and harmful an addiction can be. There are many ways to treat an alcohol addiction but not every alcohol cure offers ...

Smokehouse Blues

I am a smoker. I have been one for the past thirty years. I smoke because I like to.

How You Can Quit Using Tobacco by Natural Means

If you're a tobacco smoker and have recently decided to give up smoking for good, you may not be aware of the most efficient techniques to get rid of your bad habit. There are quite a lot of tactics you can choose from, and it could be very tough to opt for only one approach that will get the j

Vapelife: The Pros and Cons

The 'vaping' community has grown leaps and bounds in the past couple of years, particularly amongst members of the sober community. But is vaping truly a safe alternative to cigarette smoking?

Fast Solutions Of Workers Compensation - An Intro

These delays can be a hardship for an injured person who is forced to cover medical costs until their claim comes thought. Many smaller firms decide with the latter, because they find this solution more cost-effective and reliable. What were the outcomes of some of his cases - how many has he won. I