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Government & administrative Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
California Safe Surrender Law
California's Safely Surrendered Baby Law allows a parent or legal guardian to leave an infant at a safe surrender site within three days of birth without fear of prosecution for child abandonment. An infant left at a safe surrender site is given medical care and placed in foster care or a pre-adopti
New York City Criminal Records
New York City is a state in the United States with a considerably high crime rate. The New York City criminal records provides a convenient and systematic database system to store and keep track of al
Federal Regulations for Wireless Internet
Wireless access pointwireless image by Radu Razvan from Fotolia.comInternet access has become a must have for many homes, businesses and owners of laptop computers and other mobile connectivity devices, fueling the increasing popularity of wireless Internet access. Wireless Internet...
Bankruptcy Attorney Toledo for Emancipation From Debts
What is the cause of huge debts? The lifestyle of people today has probed them into spending more than they earn. This has landed a large proportion of them in debts that they find hard ...
Regulations on Crossing the Border Between Canada and the US
Crossing into Canada has become more difficult.canada map image by Vladislav Gajic from Fotolia.comThe Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI ) was passed in 2004, making it more difficult to cross the borders between the United States, Canada and Mexico. While the border between the...
Florida FLSA Laws for Exempt Status
OverviewThinkstock/Comstock/Getty ImagesThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) covers rules for overtime, minimum wage, child labor and equal pay. While most jobs are covered under this act, some are not. Additionally, workers in jobs that are covered may be exempt from the overtime rules...
Swiss Banking Secrecy Laws
Swiss banks are known for their image by Mitarart from Fotolia.comSwiss banks are known for secrecy and protecting their clients. However, the banking laws do not allow individuals to use the Swiss banks for criminal acts or tax fraud. In order to operate in Switzerland a...
Florida's Traffic Laws
Florida's traffic laws are strictly enforced.ny police 02 image by cilin from Fotolia.comFlorida is a vacation destination luring visitors by air, land and sea. All those tourists contribute to a state of congestion on the roadways. The traffic laws in Florida are meant to protect both...
Child Labor Laws for Maryland
Maryland child labor laws protect from the exploitation of young people.child vendor image by Living Legend from Fotolia.comChild labor laws in the state of Maryland are highly restrictive, but they are not exceptionally different from most states. Restrictions on hours, types of...
St Louis Personal Injury Lawyer Escaping Is Not the Solution
Claiming for compensation because of your suffering due to someone else's fault is your right. To help you achieve whatever you desire; St. Louis personal injury lawyer can help. In addition
Virginia Laws on Windshield Mounts
Viriginia's car safety inspection procedures detail how inspectors should examine car windshields.Paul Edmondson/Photodisc/Getty ImagesVirginia requires motor vehicles registered in the state to go through an annual inspection. The state specifies an official procedure for a safety...
Laws on Fliers in Mailboxes
Although there are laws pertaining to mailboxes, they are not followed as closely as what they should be. The United States Postal Service has strict rules pertaining to the use of the mailbox. There is a primary use and unacceptable uses pertaining to fliers. Stiff punishments and other costs could
Maine Slip & Fall Law
In Maine, there are specific laws regarding personal injury claims, including those as a result of a slip and fall. To collect damages for your injuries, you need to prove another party's negligence caused your fall and be less than 50 percent at fault for the accident.
Bowie County, Texas Divorce Laws
If you live in Bowie County, Texas, and are seeking a divorce, there are a few points of law and procedure you will need to follow in order to successfully navigate your way through the unfortunate mess of a divorce. Not only do you need to follow Texas law dictating the terms and...
Florida Laws About Gray Water
Gary water can be re-used in toilets in Florida.washing dishes image by Horticulture from Fotolia.comFlorida enforces several rules in treating and re-using gray water to reduce the amount of freshwater used daily. Gray water usage directly lowers a homeowner's monthly water bill. And...
California State Law Relating to Education
California parents, educators and administrators refer to California's Education Code for the laws that govern education in California's K-12 public schools and higher education institutions. Sections of this code change as necessary. You can find more regulations on education in the Industrial Rela
Weaknesses of Organic Evidence
Evidence -- everything that can demonstrate an assertion is true -- is necessary to fulfill the burden of proof in a court of law. Organic evidence is anything carbon-based -- that was, at some point, alive, whether as living tissue, a houseplant or an organism -- that demonstrates an assertion is t
Illinois Nursing Home Contract Requirements
Nursing home contracts must honor their residents' rights.senior image by Joann Cooper from Fotolia.comWhen a person is unable to live alone, family members have to make a decision about the best living arrangements. To help make the decision whether to place your loved one into a nursing...
Tips for Job Searches During a Worker's Compensation Claim
If you've been hurt on the job you may not be able to go back to your old job. With the market as competitive as it is, you need every advantage when searching for a new job. If you'
Indiana's Driving Laws
Indiana's driving laws aim to ensure safer roads.crash image by hazel proudlove from Fotolia.comIndiana driving laws are designed to keep drivers and pedestrians safe. The state has strict laws on driving under the influence, as well as a graduated driver's license system that introduces...