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Family & Relationships : Family & Relationships

Water & Tub Safety for Baby

Water is used for several purposes in many areas of the home, and for this reason parents of babies need to be especially vigilant to keep an eye on their little one to keep her safe. According to Healthy Children, drowning is "a leading cause of death in children, including infants." Not all wate

Tips To Scrub Living Room Furniture

A few things have changed since January and, with digging in new articles, I have decided to update a handful of the older articles. Aquisto's is still going strong, Binghamton has more Redboxes, and the ...

Tankless Water Heaters: Gas Versus Electric

In the world of environmental and economical tankless water heaters, your best choice of heater may not be what you expect. A gas-fuelled heater is currently the type that's more popular with the general public, with electricity-powered heaters trailing somewhat behind. Yet the tankless gas wat

Self Regulaton & Sensory Integration Problems in Premature Infants

The March of Dimes estimates that between 10 and 12 percent of babies are born before 37 weeks gestation. The rate of premature births has increased partially due to an increase in the number of multiple births. Premature babies often spend time in a neonatal care unit in the hospital before they ar

Homeless Shelters Are More Than A Roof And A Bed

Homelessness can affect anyone. Even if you believe that your job is secure and your life is stable today it doesn't mean that things will remain the same in the future. As the global economic ...

The Importance Of Honesty In A Relationship

A relationship without honesty is pointless. If the two of you do not trust each other, then neither of you will ever be truly happy. Honesty in a relationship can be difficult, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

How to Tell Your Ancestry

Tracing your family tree helps determine who you are and where you are from. Research begins at home. Talk to family members to gather as much information as you possible. Locate vital records, family Bibles, naturalization papers and other sources for documentation and clues. Compile the data and s

How To Choose Great Accessories For A Much Loved Piano

This article discusses all the different accessories for the piano but particularly the benches and stools that are available.It also goes on to show how to buy the cushions etc to make life more comfortable.

Halloween Activities in Chicago, Illinois for Preschoolers

Though your preschoolers may be a little too young for solo trick-or-treating, Chicago has many family-friendly events around Halloween. These happenings occur throughout October, so you'll have ample opportunities to take your kids to numerous events. Given that the weather can be unpredictable at

The Benefits of Double Bathroom Vanities

For couples with his and her bathrooms, a double bathroom vanity is ideal. Double bathroom vanities eliminate the need for competition among couples for bathroom space.

Top Carpet Cleaning Mistakes

There are so many different stories around what you should and shouldn’t do when carpet cleaning. Here are the top mistakes people make.

Many Considerations In Selecting The Right Movers

The entire moving or relocation process for any reason can become quite stressful and challenging for anyone involved. Many people are considering this process as they are downsizing and looking for something much smaller to ...