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Visual Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Green Lantern - Part Two

When Earth's sun was threatened by a sun-eater, Hal redeemed his evil ways by nobly sacrificing himself to save Earth.Still not earning his rest, Jordan came back as the Spectre, the Spirit of God's Vengeance for several years. This would change in the storyline Green Lantern: Rebirth, dur

Getting smart with your banner printing

When it comes to banner printing, you need to take several unique aspects into consideration. Most banner printing is done to promote an organization and its product. The logistics involved in the creation of banners ...

How to Find Painting and Drawing Inspiration

Are you finding it difficult to find subjects you want to paint and draw? If so, you aren't alone. Even the greatest of artists struggle to find things they want to paint. Continue to draw and paint, even if you are struggling to find subjects that excite you. The process of painting and drawin

How To Draw Realistic Faces For Beginners

What every artist needs to know in drawing realistic faces. Your mindset as an artist will be just as important (if not more) than the techniques or skills you use as an artist. Learn the basic foundations that is needed to be able to draw realistic faces at its finest.

China V.S America

in the article, there is some explanations about the difference about culture between China and America.

Northern British Art

The Annual Northern English Art Show In Harrogate. During the spring of 2008, the first Northern Art Show was held in the Harrogate International Centre, North Yorkshire. This superb facility is the third largest of its kind in England.

His Most Famous Painting - Dining Room in the Country - Pierre Bonnard

"Dining Room in the Country" is a magnificent work of oil paint on a large canvas, 64 " X 81" in dimensions. It currently graces The Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minnesota, US. The subject of the work is aptly encapsulated in its title. It is an interior of the dining room at

Designing Man-Made 3D Materials

In the Material Editor of your 3D Application, many visualization professionals primarily create man-made materials.The materials mimic the surface information of the everyday objects that you can see looking around the room or glancing out the window. Even materials you can only imagine in a fantas

Artistic Genius - The Platform For Defining Creative Threshold

What constitutes artistic genius? There is no one best answer to this. Understanding of what makes an artist stand out among the hordes of others is debatable. Whether it is the natural talent, passion & diligence, the dare to experiment, publicity & self-promotion, patronage of the mighty or someth

Basic Sketching Habits

Sketching is not only fun, there are many benefits of sketching, one of the most important is that through practice you'll stay loose, it also can be a great images resource for future projects. I have studied Art for over a decade, and very often I find myself developing old and new sketches.

The Painting Does Not Look Like a Photograph, It Can't Be Art!

How often have we heard someone dismiss a piece of art because it doesn't look real, like a photograph? It is almost as if a work of art has to conform to a given set of visual rules before it can be accepted as art in some people's eyes. It seems that this means of judging art stems from

Aesthetics of Art

We hire an interior decorator to refurbish our home or office. With all the textured walls till the bottom-line vases and plants art also has become an accessory for selection according to our interior decor. Art has become one of the accessories selected to match our home decor. Is it justified to

Drawing People for Beginners

Drawing people is something that every single artist should learn how to do and I'm not just talking about stick figures. Artists must be able to draw people engaging in all types of things for ...

Landscape Paintings - A Tale

Landscape Painting is a unique genre regarding painting which captures nature in its natural form. Post Constable and Turner, the introduction of landscape painting happened France. Landscape paintings have a number of categories.

How to Draw a Turtle Step by Step

Drawing is a fun thing to do and is among the most interesting things for both children and adults. Children particularly have the curiosity of knowing how to draw the different things among the most interesting being the different kinds of animals.