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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment

A Lark's Flight, by Alexander Smith (page four)

In the opening paragraphs of "A Lark's Flight," Smith reflects on the popular appeal of public executions--"a movement of curiosity not altogether ignoble, but in some degree pathetic." Then, in an extended narrative, he relates the events leading up to a hanging that he wit

Ji Xu - Daily Mandarin Lesson

The Mandarin Chinese word for "proceed with" is "ji xu." This daily Mandarin lesson has audio files for your pronunciation and listening practice.


Hesitation forms in speech.


The use of more words than necessary to effectively convey meaning in speech or writing.


Synchoresis is a rhetorical term for a type of concession made to create an impression of fairness and impartiality.

Frans Leren Voor Je Gaat Studeren In Het Buitenland?

Studeren in het buitenland is een nuttige manier om zelfstandiger te worden. Je leert er je plan trekken. Je maakt er ook heel nieuwe vrienden, vaak van zeer verschillende afkomst. Daarom is het ook de ideale manier om je venster op de wereld te verruimen. Maar waar kan je dan heen?