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Criminal Law & procedure : Law & Legal & Attorney

Preparing For a Pre-Sentence Investigation Interview

The importance of the Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (PSI) cannot be overstated. It follows the defendant throughout his whole period of federal prison incarceration. Anyone who thinks the PSI is impartial, fair, and provides an accurate unbiased accounting of the defendant is grossly mistaken.

How to Address the Ombudsman

Government agencies and some private organizations use ombudsmen to handle disputes and concerns about proper conduct of employees and managers. Instead of focusing on discipline and penalties as many regulatory complaint processes do, ombudsmen work with all parties involved to investigate issues s

How to Choose the Right DUI Lawyer in Florida

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol in Florida you may need an experienced DUI lawyer. There are things you need to know about the hiring process. ...

Hiring Reliable Criminal Defense Lawyer

Are you looking for Criminal Defense Lawyer to handle your case? If yes, then you are on the right page to know about reliable Criminal Defense Attorney in your city. You will come across various ...

Did You Commit a Probation Violation?

If you are on probation, the State is monitoring most aspects of your life. If you don't follow the conditions of probation exactly, you are likely facing substantial prison time.

How to Handle a South Carolina, Misdemeanor Charge

If you have had the unfortunate experience of being arrested for a misdemeanor criminal offense in South Carolina it's important that you understand your rights and the consequences of the charge. This article briefly describes the criminal justice process.

Accomplice Liability

Accomplice liability is one of a number of ways that prosecutors can expand the scope of a crime and include more individuals who were potentially involved in the crime. Accomplice liability, which can also be called aiding and abetting or complicity, is based on making an individual who helps or ev

Information On Police Records Free

Everyone must not become too lenient in dealing with anyone you come in contact with more especially to those who are totally strangers to you. There are always ways to prevent any criminal offences from ...

Finding a Competent Dallas Criminal Attorney

In a place that is highly crowded, crime rate is usually high. That is the case in a town that is highly populated like Dallas. Therefore, it is common practice to find people making it ...

How to Remove Criminal History in Texas

Even if someone was never convicted of a crime for which they were arrested, it can still appear on their record. Texas has laws to help defendants remove this black mark. Removing the record of such an arrest can be helpful when they need to apply for a job or qualify for an apartment.

Taking a DWI to Jury Trial

Sometimes I'm approached by folks who want to fight their DWI charge tooth and nail. They're convinced they were driving impaired, and they are dead certain that a jury of their peers will find them "Not Guilty.

How Bail Bonds Work in Orange County

There are many misconceptions about how bail bonds work. In fact, bail is different state-to-state across America. So, Orange County California and Orange County Florida would have different systems in place. In this article, we'll ...

Taking Advantage of Public Records

Many people have heard about the different types of information which are made available to the public with the proper clearance for the information. These are known as public records and can be accessible by anyone through written notice or by the use of services which are tapped directly into the

How to File a Criminal Conviction Expunge Motion in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania courts allow for expungements of cases in which an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition has been completed and five years have passed without any further arrests or prosecutions. Some of the county courts automatically expunge cases in which the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition

After The Riots - Non Public Order Act Offences Committed During 2011 UK Riots

The disturbances that initially started in Tottenham on Saturday 6th August and then spread to various areas of London as well as other parts of the country have divided the nation as to how and why they began, and who was responsible. Within a short period of time, there have been an unprecedented

Security Issues - How it Works

We live in a world that is a full of insecurity. Insecurity hits everyone; no one is immune to it. People are loosing jobs everyday or not losing it because they never get it after finishing the school. Money is a huge reason that makes people do illegal things, but there is a difference between tho