Top 7 Party Myths
Myth 1:Spontaneous parties just go great.
Not true.
Parties that are thrown without any proper planning have a high chance of failing badly.
Therefore, it is important to work out really well and plan to as close as perfection.
Myth 2:A successful party means spending a lot of money.
Not true.
Parties are considered successful in which the guests feel the best and truly enjoy it, no matter whether little or a lot of money is spent on it.
Myth 3:Always add liquor to your party to give a spin to all.
Be careful.
A lot of parties have kids participating and liquor should not be added to prevent a bad influence.
Myth 4:Don't gather information from anywhere for your parties, just plan it your way.
Not wise.
Gathering information just give you ideas and information as to what would be best for you, so look into the information to get the best results.
Myth 5:If you are organizing a party, just be a take charge kind of guy.
Not true, this can ruin your party because you have to lead your guests to have fun and not being a guy who is ordering around.
Myth 6:Hand the invites personally rather than mail.
If your guests in the same locality as you are then it is not a bad idea.
There are a lot of chances that the mail might not get delivered and will lead to disappointment both at your and your guests end.
Myth 7:Everyone will love your party if you have taken care of all the necessary ingredients in it.
With the stress on arrangements and taking care of even minor details will make sure that your party will be a true success.