Male Sexual Dysfunction - What Solutions Can One Choose From?
Can you imagine marrying this man with all the money and political leadership but no sexual abilities? This may not be acceptable for most women or man for that matter.
The significance of sex cannot be overstated.
It may also vary from man to woman or from cultures and regions in the world.
For the man, sex is one way of demonstrating masculinity and authority.
For the woman, a fulfilling sex life is gives physical and emotional pleasure and leads to self confidence.
What really is this male sexual dysfunction? It refers to the inability you respond appropriately to sex.
This means that we are dealing with issues that are limited to the sexual intercourse.
It may include not having the thoughts or desire for sex, or not being able to sustain an erection.
The causes of male sexual dysfunction are numerous.
They range from physical or medical, to emotional or psychological factors.
The factors that cause lack of desire for sex may include stress, guilt feelings, and conflict within a relationship or illness.
For such causes of lack of sexual desire, the best solution is to address the root cause of the problem.
This may involve setting time apart to improve communication with the sex partner.
One may need to visit a psychological counselor especially when dealing with the problem of guilt or stress.
The most common form of lack of male libido is the lack of ability to sustain an erection.
To such as man, he may have the desire and may even get involved in a good foreplay.
The penis is however not able to rise to the occasion.
In other cases, the penis may get to erect but fail to sustain the erection through an intercourse.
Both the man and the sex partner fail to achieve an orgasm.
This is often caused by poor nervous communication or poor supply of blood and energy to the muscles responsible for the erection of the penis.
The inability to sustain an erection can be corrected by addressing factors that may contribute to the poor nerve communication and poor blood flow.
This may include diseases such diabetes or gout.
Other factors may include poor diet or lack of physical exercises.
The options vary and may need a physician's advice.