How to Identify Items to Sell on eBay for Amazing Profits
Knowing how to identify items to sell on eBay is a valuable skill, and many people will offer different ways of working out for yourself how to find lucrative markets in which to sell. It is better for you to know a method of discovering great products, rather than being presented with a list of the current top 10 items to sell on eBay, as such a list would be out of date within days. Let's look at one particular method that you could use to find items to sell immediately.
Step 1 - set aside time to think
Have a look around the room that you are currently sitting in and think about how many products there are. Desks, chairs, computers, monitors, speakers, pens, paper, DVDs, the list goes on and on and that's just one room! Imagine how long a list you could create purely from the items within your house, and then what about your garage or attic? It's intimidating knowing how to pick an area in which to sell because there are just so many different possibilities. That's why it is important to take some time away from the computer to sit and to make a list of the things that you are most interested in. It is these areas of interest that will be your first port of call when considering how to identify items to sell on eBay.
Step 2 - take your ideas to eBay Pulse
Once you have created a shortlist of potential areas of interest it's time to make full use of a tool provided by eBay known as eBay Pulse. Looking around the eBay Pulse site will help you to identify the current most searched for items within any category on the website. Filter by the categories that you identified in Step 1 to start to identify potential products within that area of interest.
Step 3 - take your potential products to Google
With some ideas for items to sell open up the Google search engine. Google features functionality known as auto-complete; this means that as you start to type in a word or phrase, Google will offer suggestions as to what you may be typing based on other recent searches for similar phrases. This is a great way to tell if people have actually been looking for your potential products. When searching you should also find that some Shopping results are returned if your products are popular.
These three steps will help you to start to realise potential fields in which to sell, as well as realising if people are actually searching for products within that field. Take the time for these three steps to help you to find a lucrative niche.