Should You Get a Pet Emerald Tree Monitor?
If you are considering acquiring an Emerald tree monitor please make sure it is not a wild-caught individual as these monitors are vanishing in the wild due to the illegal exotic pet trade.
There are several different species of monitor lizards that are kept as pets with Savannah monitors probably being the most well known. Some monitors are very large while others are smaller and more manageable in captivity.
Emerald tree monitors are loved for their beautiful green colors and their small to medium size.
Name: Emerald Tree monitor, Emerald monitor, Green Tree monitor, Varanus prasinus
Emerald Tree Monitors in the Wild
These beautiful, vibrant monitors are from New Guinea and the surrounding islands where they spend their time climbing trees and hanging onto branches with their prehensile tail. They have a very snake-like look with their long, slender bodies and distinct bright green skin and bars down their back.These monitors also live in social groups, something that not all monitors do, and do not use their tails to whip unlike many other lizards. The illegal exotic pet trade is causing the native populations to dwindle so it is of utmost importance to purchase a captive bred individual if you are interested in getting an emerald tree monitor as a pet.
Housing Emerald Tree Monitors
These monitors aren't for the novice herp keeper. They are arboreal lizards that are over two feet in length therefore they need specialized enclosures designed to hold these long climbers and really do best if housed in a group (typically keeping multiple males can be problematic unless therefore you should only have one male with a harem of females).
They also stress very easy and are considered to be a delicate lizard with exact care requirements. They are not good pets.
Emerald tree monitors are active lizards and with more than one in an enclosure you will definitely need as much space as possible to accommodate their lifestyle. At a minimum, a six foot by two foot by four foot space can contain various branches, hide boxes that are just big enough to let your monitor feel safe and secure, and water and food dishes for one or two lizards but a larger space, preferably a small room, should ideally be utilized.
Feeding Emerald Tree Monitors
These monitors typically eat a variety of insects including cockroaches, crickets, and mealworms. Some keepers occasionally offer a pinkie or fuzzy mouse or fruits in addition to the gut loaded and calcium dusted insects. Because these are such high energy lizards they must be fed frequently to support their high metabolism. Daily small feedings are required to keep your active lizard healthy and happy.
Lighting and Humidity for Emerald Tree Monitors
Anyone who is even thinking about owning an emerald tree monitor should have already had numerous reptiles with various heat lights and UVB lighting needs so these basic requirements need not be explained in depth.
12 hours of UVB should be supplied daily in addition to a very hot basking temperature of about 120 degres Fahrenheit. Make sure your bulbs for both heat and UVB are not too close to where your monitor can sit to avoid thermal burns and blindness. Different bulbs will have varying safe distance recommendations but incandescent, fluorescent, and ceramic heat bulbs are usually safe at about 10-12 inches away from where your monitor can climb.
Allow a temperature down to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the areas farthest away from the basking spot. Humidity can be difficult to keep up, especially when such a large enclosure is needed and high temperatures are controlled. A misting or fogger system is a must so that a general hygrometer reading of about 70% can be attained. Emerald tree monitors need this high humidity so that they do not get dehydrated.
Caring for an emerald tree monitor is no easy task and if this care sheet sounds intimidating to you then perhaps a different type of lizard is a better fit for your herpetological desires.