Making It Look Natural Even When ThereHas Been Human Intervention
It remains an abiding truth that landscape photographs are mostly required by travel agents to promote certain tour programs and by real estate agents to promote emerging complexes and old, aristocratic (hence very expensive) estates. The time a shoot takes place can make a sharp difference for the output. For example, to capture the starkness of a desert it is best to shoot around noon. On the other hand, most cities get transformed at night when the lights go up and can look ethereal if shot from a high vantage point. These principles apply even when you are shooting an event. Therefore natural wedding photography requires that the photographer captures moments which have not been posed for.
The biggest advantage of such artless photography is that, it makes the event look as though it is happening in front of your eyes when you peruse your albums several years later or when friends and relatives who couldnt attend the event see them. However, the photographer should maintain a measure of tact and not record oops moments. Usage of color and lighting adds a dimension which makes the pictures look natural. Remember, that it should not look as though it has been shot in a studio and this is why you need to make it look natural even when you are shooting group photos for the family.