Green Cleaning - Our Green Light to Healthiness
Since we can not control the overall happening of events around us, the least we can do is to implement healthwise ideas in our own household.
We are so concerned about the cleanliness of our homes that we or our domestic cleaners quite often use strong chemicals to kill the germs and have the peace of mind of disinfecting our house.
Yet, we could hardly imagine what damage we are causing to ourselves.
Inhaling toxic chemicals can lead to serious health problems related to our respiratory system, and entering the blood system it easily spreads throughout the whole body.
If you are sensitive to chemicals, or someone in your household is sensitive to chemicals, green cleaning is even more imperative for you to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritations.
It isn't worth risking your health because of negligence or lack of information.
There is a variety of homemade natural cleaning products, which have been available to us for ages, as well as newly emerging commercial green cleaning products at competitive prices.
Vinegar, for instance, can serve as an excellent glass cleaner! Baking soda can be used in the kitchen to clean counters and oven, freshen up microwave and fridge, remove stains from pans or simply absorb unpleasant odours.
Toxin free eco friendly cleaning cloths are available on the market.
When buying cleaning products ask your domestic cleaners to avoid as much as possible bleach based products, or if you insist ask them to choose chlorine-free bleach.
Fragranced products are not recommended either, as synthetic fragrances' substances can be irritants.
Excessive usage of chemically-based anti-bacterial products for the home may create even more problems by decreasing your immunity.
On the contrary, cleaning supplies from natural ingredients can reduce allergy and are kinder to skin.
And the green cleaning products are just as effective as the chemical ones.
Do not forget to be alert about the authenticity of green cleaning products! You or your cleaners can test the genuineness of the commercial green products by testing their biodegradability and check on their ingredients.
Genuine green products should break down completely in the environment within a short period of time.
Green cleaning extends further than the elimination of harmful chemical use.
It saves paper product consumption and reduces the usage of dyes, inks, and fragrance.
After all, our health is our wealth and it is worth the efforts of protecting it as well as our surrounding environment, so future generations and we can enjoy healthy lifestyles.