How to Start a Roth IRA
But how do you actually start one yourself? What do you do? Surprisingly, it is not at all difficult to set up your very own retirement account, what with providers who are more than happy to make the process easy for you.
To start a Roth IRA, you need to do the following: 1.
Confirm your eligibility.
Check if a Roth IRA is your best investment choice.
Decide which type of investment is most suitable for your income IRA.
Choose a provider.
Establish your IRA.
Confirming Eligibility - It is your responsibility-not your provider's-to determine whether or not you are eligible for establishing your own Roth.
As a rule of thumb, most people who earn income and have a modified adjusted gross income under applicable limits are qualified to make regular contributtions.
Choosing the Roth - To Roth or not to Roth? Before you answer this question, compare Roth IRA with different investment vehicles.
The chief advantage of the Roth is obvious: your investment earnings will not be taxed.
It comes at a price, however: you no longer get a deduction the moment you start contributing to the Roth.
Considering Investment Types - How do you decide which investment type is best for you? Consider various factors such as
- the size of the IRA
- the time frame of the investment
- the other investments you have made
- your style of investing
This should not be a problem for you, though.
If certain providers refuse your account because they find it too small, look for another provider.
In any case, if you are starting small, go for a simple investment which does not require too much attention or incur a lot of IRA fees.
Time Frame - If you're making a long term investment, do not be afraid to take on more investment risks.
Even if these risks produce losses, you have enough time to recover these losses.
On the other hand, if you're making a short term investment, it is best to focus on asset protection.
Choosing a Provider - Finding a provider is easy enough, but which one is best for you?