What Are My Chances of a Successful Pregnancy After a Miscarriage?
Trying to get pregnant after one or more miscarriages can be a trying time as well, especially in dealing with the stress and worry of experiencing another miscarriage.
Couples in this situation should realize that many, many women who have had miscarriages in the past have gone on to deliver healthy babies.
Women who have had a miscarriage should inform their doctor or fertility specialist of the previous miscarriage as well as the cause of the miscarriage if it was determined at the time.
Women should realize that there are certain risk factors involved with miscarriage that cannot be controlled.
Meanwhile, they should instead focus on risk factors that they may improve such as addressing the anxiety and depression often associated with miscarriage.
Reducing stressors and managing stress is very important for mental well-being throughout pregnancy.
Yoga, meditation and other mind and body therapies or classes may be helpful tools in reducing and managing stress and anxiety that may be present during pregnancy, especially one following a miscarriage.
Addressing any physical health concerns is also important such as hormone deficiencies or correctable abnormalities.
Of course, a trained doctor must be consulted before taking any steps to correct various imbalances, deficiencies or other medical concerns.
Eating right may also help to improve the health of the mother and child during pregnancy.
Consult a nutritional counselor if necessary to ensure that you are getting all of the proper nutrients and vitamins for a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke during pregnancy, as well as other hazardous chemicals.
Stay away from hot tubs during pregnancy and other conditions of extreme heat as well as extreme cold.
With so many factors that go into determining the success of pregnancies and the health of the mother and child, it is very difficult to attach a number to the chances of successful pregnancy after not coming o full term.
For those who want an answer, the best resource is a doctor that has examined you and is up to speed on your medical history and the conditions surrounding the previous pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage.