Pimples: What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them
Pimples and their causes: Pimples, known as spots, zits or acne, confidence-killers or the buzz-kill of an otherwise happy day, are small lesions or inflammations of the skin.
These inflammations are caused by bacterial infection within the hair follicle of the skin.
When dead skin cells collect within the hair follicle, the sebum produced (a waxy/oily substance meant to lubricate the skin and hair) within the pore cannot escape.
This accumulated and blocked sebum has bacteria, including propionibacterium acnes; it is a slow-growing bacteria which is the source of acne.
Acne bacteria generally live harmlessly on our skin - however, when the conditions are right, (clogged pores + hormones, sweating and other factors) it can reproduce rapidly.
The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response.
This leads to inflammation of the skin, eventually revealing itself as a pimple -- an inflammatory lesion of acne that becomes pus-filled to varying degrees.
Acne bacterial infection can be growing under your skin for up to 8 weeks before appearing as an acne lesion, which is one of the reasons that it takes 4-8 weeks for most acne treatments to work.
It is a myth that acne is caused by poor hygiene! In fact, excess washing or scrubbing can irritate and over dry the skin, which can further inflame skin and cause increased oil production.
Unclean hair, cell phones and pillowcases can transfer unwanted acne bacteria to the skin.
There is little evidence that diet causes acne.
However, greasy foods touching your skin can cause breakouts around the lips, due to grease being deposited on the skin and clogging the pore, more than for any dietary reason.
The 5 types of pimples: 1.
Pustules - These are pimples full of pus and are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
The base is red and the pus is on the top.
Whiteheads - These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules.
Blackheads - Appear as a black-filled pore.
Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their color.
It is actually oxidized dead skin cells blocking the opening of the pore.
Cysts - these are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
They are filled with pus and are usually painful.
Cysts commonly cause scaring.
Papules - these are small, rounded bumps on the skin which are often pink.
Nodules - these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger.
These are often painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
How to get rid of pimples? Keeping those pores clear is key! Actually - keeping clear pores is the one and only way to control acne breakouts.
Since acne bacteria lives naturally on our skin, there is no permanent medical cure for pimples.
The good news? Clear skin is possible! Pimples can be managed with consistent care and a good acne treatment.
What to use? It depends on your level and type of acne.
There are many natural remedies that are beneficial to acne-prone skin, but won't go far with persistent acne.
There are many prescription medications that can be helpful, especially with chronic and cystic acne.
If you are an acne sufferer who does not want to use prescription meds, or experiences mild to moderate acne, it is well worth it to try an over-the-counter acne medication.
Salicylic Acid medications work by exfoliating the dead skin cells out of your pores - which is the primary goal.
Salicylic Acid is also the best for clearing and prevention of blackheads, too.
Find one that includes anti-inflammatory effects for quick, viewable results.
Benzyol Peroxide works by drawing out the infection.
It can be harsher on your skin, but it is very effective for some people.
Some treatments use a mixture of both medicines.
The best thing to do is start with the most gentle and natural treatment first.
Keep experimenting until you find what works for your individual skin, by giving each treatment a try for 2-4 weeks, unless you experience negative side effects.
Most companies will give you your money back if you don't see the results you were looking for.
Important to know: 1.
Controlling acne is a lifestyle.
Consistency is key! Acne bacteria is extremely adaptable, and will out-wit your acne medication if you allow it! So keep up the good work and you can beat acne! 2.
Don't let acne ruin your skin.
Picking your skin easily causes scabbing, scarring and dark spots.
Be kind to your skin and treat with an acne treatment, trying not to pick at your blemishes.
If you already have dark spots and scarring, don't let it get you down.
There are products and procedures such as laser to help this - it is not necessarily permanent.
If acne is causing you to change your lifestyle or affecting your self-worth and self-esteem, do see a doctor or dermatologist for advice.
Often they have low-cost ways to help your skin.
Use an oil free, non-comedic (non-pore-clogging) foundation or cover-up until you get the clear skin that you want - it will really boost your confidence, and will let your pores breathe.
You are on your way to great skin!
These inflammations are caused by bacterial infection within the hair follicle of the skin.
When dead skin cells collect within the hair follicle, the sebum produced (a waxy/oily substance meant to lubricate the skin and hair) within the pore cannot escape.
This accumulated and blocked sebum has bacteria, including propionibacterium acnes; it is a slow-growing bacteria which is the source of acne.
Acne bacteria generally live harmlessly on our skin - however, when the conditions are right, (clogged pores + hormones, sweating and other factors) it can reproduce rapidly.
The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response.
This leads to inflammation of the skin, eventually revealing itself as a pimple -- an inflammatory lesion of acne that becomes pus-filled to varying degrees.
Acne bacterial infection can be growing under your skin for up to 8 weeks before appearing as an acne lesion, which is one of the reasons that it takes 4-8 weeks for most acne treatments to work.
It is a myth that acne is caused by poor hygiene! In fact, excess washing or scrubbing can irritate and over dry the skin, which can further inflame skin and cause increased oil production.
Unclean hair, cell phones and pillowcases can transfer unwanted acne bacteria to the skin.
There is little evidence that diet causes acne.
However, greasy foods touching your skin can cause breakouts around the lips, due to grease being deposited on the skin and clogging the pore, more than for any dietary reason.
The 5 types of pimples: 1.
Pustules - These are pimples full of pus and are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
The base is red and the pus is on the top.
Whiteheads - These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules.
Blackheads - Appear as a black-filled pore.
Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their color.
It is actually oxidized dead skin cells blocking the opening of the pore.
Cysts - these are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
They are filled with pus and are usually painful.
Cysts commonly cause scaring.
Papules - these are small, rounded bumps on the skin which are often pink.
Nodules - these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger.
These are often painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
How to get rid of pimples? Keeping those pores clear is key! Actually - keeping clear pores is the one and only way to control acne breakouts.
Since acne bacteria lives naturally on our skin, there is no permanent medical cure for pimples.
The good news? Clear skin is possible! Pimples can be managed with consistent care and a good acne treatment.
What to use? It depends on your level and type of acne.
There are many natural remedies that are beneficial to acne-prone skin, but won't go far with persistent acne.
There are many prescription medications that can be helpful, especially with chronic and cystic acne.
If you are an acne sufferer who does not want to use prescription meds, or experiences mild to moderate acne, it is well worth it to try an over-the-counter acne medication.
Salicylic Acid medications work by exfoliating the dead skin cells out of your pores - which is the primary goal.
Salicylic Acid is also the best for clearing and prevention of blackheads, too.
Find one that includes anti-inflammatory effects for quick, viewable results.
Benzyol Peroxide works by drawing out the infection.
It can be harsher on your skin, but it is very effective for some people.
Some treatments use a mixture of both medicines.
The best thing to do is start with the most gentle and natural treatment first.
Keep experimenting until you find what works for your individual skin, by giving each treatment a try for 2-4 weeks, unless you experience negative side effects.
Most companies will give you your money back if you don't see the results you were looking for.
Important to know: 1.
Controlling acne is a lifestyle.
Consistency is key! Acne bacteria is extremely adaptable, and will out-wit your acne medication if you allow it! So keep up the good work and you can beat acne! 2.
Don't let acne ruin your skin.
Picking your skin easily causes scabbing, scarring and dark spots.
Be kind to your skin and treat with an acne treatment, trying not to pick at your blemishes.
If you already have dark spots and scarring, don't let it get you down.
There are products and procedures such as laser to help this - it is not necessarily permanent.
If acne is causing you to change your lifestyle or affecting your self-worth and self-esteem, do see a doctor or dermatologist for advice.
Often they have low-cost ways to help your skin.
Use an oil free, non-comedic (non-pore-clogging) foundation or cover-up until you get the clear skin that you want - it will really boost your confidence, and will let your pores breathe.
You are on your way to great skin!