Getting Your Ex Back Tutorial 4: The Frantic Phase
 If you could just wave a magic wand to put the two of you back together, you certainly would.
 Unfortunately, that reality is safely tucked in the pages of children's books.
 Life is no fairytale.
Bundle of Nerves If you just separated from your partner, it's normal to feel panic.
 The immediate loss of control is the main source of your jitters.
 One day, everything was all roses; the next day, your significant other calls it quits.
 Suddenly, you're thrust into the unknown.
All these uncertainties pop in your mind: "Can we still make it work?" "What do I do now with all this space?" "What would my weekends be like?" "Should I still go to my ex's sister's wedding?" Getting your ex back and acting idiotic is a dreadful combination.
 In your efforts to get control of the situation at once, you actually make it worse.
 Why? Because people do foolish things when they're not thinking! After a break up, it's best to let the mind course out the plan.
 Put your heart in the back burner for a while.
Take a Breather Relax.
 Calm down.
 Reap the benefits of a tranquil mind.
 Believe me, it will put things in perspective.
Stop Communicating Don't be a stalker.
 Stop texting, emailing and calling your ex.
 Don't hang out in areas where you know you'll bump into each other.
 Suppress any urge to initiate the communication.
 Take a real break from each other.
Avoid Avoiding Each Other Before getting your ex back, it's possible that you innocently bump into each other.
 That's okay.
 When that happens, be civil.
 Project a relaxed demeanor, even if your heart and mind are really in turmoil.
 A quick "hi" would be good, then go about your business.
Indulge in a Hobby Doing something interesting and fun takes your mind off your ex.
 If you love jogging, grab those running shoes and get yourself out there! There are many things you can do to ease your anxiety.
 Discover them here.