What Do You Think About Money?
Have you ever thought about your relationship with money? Yes, like any relationship we do have one with money as well.
We either value it or we don't, we attract it or we don't, we treat it well and it is long lasting, or we don't, and it flows through our hands easily.
So I ask you again, what is your relationship with money? And who is in charge in your relationship - you or your money? One of my clients recently told me she tells her money where to go and what to do for her each month; I like that, the sense of power over money, control and direction.
Are you in charge of your money? Like a date, do you show your appreciation for it and desire more? Jim Carey supposedly carried around a self written check for a million dollars in his wallet long before success arrived.
What are your money goals? Treat money like a significant other, show gratitude, attract its attention, and dedicate your time, mind and energy to it.
Open your wallet now and feel your money like you are looking at it through a child's eyes.
Get excited and your money will love you back.
oddly enough, after writing this on a Sunday night I found 5.
00 hiding in my dryer, see how money attraction works!