Learn Exactly How to Get Pregnant With a Boy - Tips to You Conceive a Boy Naturally and Safely
You both have your heart set on giving birth to a baby boy and you want to be able to turn that dream into a reality. You want to learn exactly how to get pregnant with a boy so you can make your dreams come true. You don't want to have to rely on nature to decide what happens with your baby. You want to be able to say and now is the time that you made it possible.
Before you become pregnant, there are techniques that you can follow that will greatly increase your chances of conceiving a boy. For example, the way you make love, the time of day you make love and the order of who has an orgasm first or second are all contributing factors to what gender you give birth to. If you want to conceive a boy, then you need to first of all have sex in the morning. This is when your body's temperature is perfect. Everything is in favor for the development of a boy at this point in the day. As well, when you are making love, you should have an orgasm before your man ejaculates. The reason is because during the female orgasm, the cervix opens and dilates. This increases the flow of sperm when your man climaxes. The flow of Y-chromosomes into your body is much greater and when an X and Y chromosome meet, you get a boy.
If you are pregnant at the moment, there is no need to fret because you can still influence the gender of your baby. In order to make this happen, you have to follow a very strict diet. Eating a diet rich in alkaline-based foods is crucial to the development of a male. The reasoning behind it is because it changes the pH of your body and this switch favors the development of a boy.
Using these natural remedies can certainly help you to get pregnant with a boy. You can now work towards making your dream a reality and you can finally get the results that you have been looking for. If you have your heart set on giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, use these natural gender selection methods today.