Discover How Healing Touch Can Unlock Your Own Body"s Power to Heal
In my ten years of providing Healing Touch Energy Therapy to people with various health issues I have seen many wonderful results. However, even I was quite surprised when I placed a follow up phone call to a client who had squamous cell skin cancer. During our Healing Touch session she was understandably anxious about her surgery that would follow in two days. Her doctor told her that the squamous cell carcinoma on her forehead was "very aggressive" and had to be removed.
When I began the assessment part of the energy session, her stress level before Healing Touch was 6 on the pain scale. The skin on the forehead was the location of the carcinoma and it was mildly uncomfortable according to my client. During the hour-long session I provided energy techniques that addressed her anxiety as well as the carcinoma. At the end of the session when I asked her what the level of her anxiety was she replied, "It's gone!" In other words her stress level was 0 on the pain scale.
She had two days to wait until surgery.
Several days after her scheduled surgery, I phoned to ask how the operation went and how she was feeling.
She said, "Barbara, you're not going to believe what happened!"
"What happened?" I asked curiously.
"I was ready, the room was ready, the doctor was ready but when he examined me, he couldn't find any cancer! He told me that it was gone. I even asked him, 'Are you sure?' He said that there was no cancer where he had felt it before. So I didn't have surgery and came home. Of course, I'll have to be watched very carefully...very carefully, but I didn't need surgery!"
I was stunned! I know there is no scientific proof that the energy session
had healed the cancer but my client said she didn't do anything differently those two days as she waited. And because it was just two days between the Healing Touch session and her surgery I am inclined to think that the energy work had indeed had a positive effect on her skin cancer.
It has now been several weeks since these events took place. To date this client has not had a return of her cancer.
When I began the assessment part of the energy session, her stress level before Healing Touch was 6 on the pain scale. The skin on the forehead was the location of the carcinoma and it was mildly uncomfortable according to my client. During the hour-long session I provided energy techniques that addressed her anxiety as well as the carcinoma. At the end of the session when I asked her what the level of her anxiety was she replied, "It's gone!" In other words her stress level was 0 on the pain scale.
She had two days to wait until surgery.
Several days after her scheduled surgery, I phoned to ask how the operation went and how she was feeling.
She said, "Barbara, you're not going to believe what happened!"
"What happened?" I asked curiously.
"I was ready, the room was ready, the doctor was ready but when he examined me, he couldn't find any cancer! He told me that it was gone. I even asked him, 'Are you sure?' He said that there was no cancer where he had felt it before. So I didn't have surgery and came home. Of course, I'll have to be watched very carefully...very carefully, but I didn't need surgery!"
I was stunned! I know there is no scientific proof that the energy session
had healed the cancer but my client said she didn't do anything differently those two days as she waited. And because it was just two days between the Healing Touch session and her surgery I am inclined to think that the energy work had indeed had a positive effect on her skin cancer.
It has now been several weeks since these events took place. To date this client has not had a return of her cancer.