Having Trouble With Advertising
Now you just gotta get targeted traffic to your site.
And you come to find out...
advertising is the hardest part of making money online! I went through the exact same thing as described above.
My website was professionally done with graphics, an auto responder ready to capture names and email addresses, a compelling sales letter, a payment processor, and a "thank you" page.
I was ready to tell my boss goodbye for good! There was just one last thing I had to do.
And that was get targeted traffic to my site.
With the creation and automation of my site complete, I thought all the hard work was behind me.
Sadly, it was only the beginning.
It was now time for the promotion process, which involved me getting my website "out there" for people to see.
I set up a Google AdWords account, wrote articles such as these to article directories, posted in forums, etc...
hoping to get some sales.
After doing all this, I was sure my financial problems were over.
I even gave my job a two weeks notice that I'd be leaving soon.
However, when I returned to my computer a few days later I was disappointed to find out that I made no sales at all.
Not a single one.
There must have been something I did wrong, a step I missed upon completing my website and advertising it.
Well, it turns out that I did not miss a step.
The reason why I did not get any buyers was because I was lacking one thing, and that one thing was: CONSISTENCY.
That is it, I may have created and automated my business, but I stopped there.
I did not continue to promote my product deeper.
I just stopped when I was comfortable.
Listen: the only way you are going to make a LIVING on the internet is if you work your socks off, at first.
After a while, it gets easier and you do not have to work so much.
However, in the beginning, you must put in 8-12 hours days of work on your computer.
Take it from me, I took a break and left for a few days.
It probably cost me hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars.
So be consistent.
Once your site is up, you must stop at nothing to promote, promote, promote.
Time is money.
Do not let a single hour pass without you doing something to promote your product.
I know it's a pain at first, but it will pay off in the long run.