Online Marketing Content and Your Website
There are just no two ways about it...your website's conversion rates will primarily depend on the virtues and skills of your online marketing campaign's copywriters. Whether your business needs sales copy that's quick hitting, aggressive, and hard-selling or marketing copy that's primarily information rich and detail-oriented...It will have to sound and feel genuine to the online consumers who encounter it, it will have to speak to the needs and interests of those prospective customers - rather than merely prattling on about how amazing you are, the incredible online services you'll offer or listing the spectacular benefits of your various products or services.
By which, I only mean to say that your sales copy will need to be interactive in the way that it approaches introducing consumers to your website, and also bear in mind the searches driving traffic in your direction.
But, how can online marketing copy show instead of tell? It can be engaging, it can be succinct and it should be organic. Don't forget, your site's marketing content is essentially there to be a virtual showroom greeter. It has to convert prospective leads and web surfers into the customers you need. Because more often than not, you won't actually have the chance to interact with individual visitors directly, but your marketing copy will. Your marketing content can sell for you 24/7 and it can sell to swarms of visitors at once.
Remember, 98% of the Searches on Major Search Engines Produce Text-Based Results
That's right, since ninety-eight percent of the searches on Google, Yahoo, MSN and AltaVista produce text-based (meaning non-flash content based) results, and the content on your pages really does matter. For instance: If your business sells personalized ringtones to cell phone users, you really do need to have plenty of information dealing with: "personalized ringtones for cell phones" sprinkled across your website.
Now, those "keywords" shouldn't be sprinkled about your website haphazardly or nonsensically...they have to appear in their proper context, which is to say: organically - only when and where relevant. Google, Yahoo, MSN and AltaVista's Search Robots have gotten pretty smart, and they can recognize overt keyword or key phrase "spammers." They've also developed a rather uncanny knack for understanding which web pages are filled with relevant content and which ones aren't. So don't risk your site's standing by trying to spam.
If You Need to, Find a Content Optimization Specialist to Do that Work For You
The difference between being found on the first page of MSN or Yahoo or the fifth page of AltaVista Google will absolutely be the difference between online success and online failure. If your core business is demanding, you shouldn't hesitate to hire a helping hand. Besides, focusing exclusively on Net and its demands allows online marketing and content optimization specialists to master the various elements of the Internet's overall sales landscape, keep track of the latest techniques and technical innovations and more.
You'll need a comprehensive slate of online marketing services that can guide your businesses Internet campaign from design and development through conversion to follow-up analytics - and you should get it.
Remember, specific online marketing and content optimization solutions will offer your concern specific advantages and benefits from--the unprecedented global reach of search-ranking-based SEO and the cost effective virtues of content-based optimization to the capacity of pay-per-click or affiliate partnership campaigns to focus on targeted demographics. In the end, it's this simple: The right content and optimization specialists can give your business the edge it needs to survive and thrive in this new frontier.