Who Am I?
You can create a successful life by concentrating on making sure that your life is filled with positive energy. Unless you have achieved everything you ever dreamed of, already you need to change your tactics. If you keep on doing what you have always done you will not achieve anything. The definition of insanity should be doing the same things all the time but expecting a different outcome.
You can create a successful life by concentrating on making sure that your life is filled with positive energy. You need to change your tactics unless you have already achieved everything you ever dreamed of. If you keep on doing what you have always done you will not achieve anything. Doing the same things all the time but expecting a different outcome should be the definition of insanity. When you concentrate on making your life a more positive and enriching experience, you have a direct impact not only on yourself but on those around you. Energy attracts other similar energy so if you are positive, you will attract like minded people. Negativity is so contagious and this also explains why it's like that.
How can a positive perspective be gained? The way you think is under your complete control. What you feed into your mind and how you react to the news and events happening around you, you can control. It doesn't mean you can't be successful because we are in the middle of a global economic meltdown. In the last similar economic recession some of the most successful entrepreneurs were made. Perception and attitude are also reasons. Because of your thoughts and actions you got to be wherever you are in your life right now. No one else is going to rescue you and nobody else put you there.
So you change your focus. Focus on what you can do instead of concentrating on what you can't. Don't focus on what you don't want to achieve but solely think about what you do want out of this life. Living someone else's dream is not worth it. Because their parents wanted them to, doctors, lawyers or priests we have met followed that career path. This is not someone else's life, it's yours. You might as well decide to make it a positive one as you only get one shot at it. So when answering who am I? You are here on this planet; think about why. What do you have to achieve? What natural talents and abilities do you have? You could consult a numerologist if you need some help answering these questions. How are you feeling? To make sure that your Yin/Yang balance is in equilibrium and that your five elements are in balance right now perhaps you could see an energy healer. The life of your dreams is there for the taking if only you would reach out and grab it; you have to do everything possible to live the life you want.
Ask any successful person and they will be able to tell you in an instant "who am I". Can you say the same?
You can create a successful life by concentrating on making sure that your life is filled with positive energy. You need to change your tactics unless you have already achieved everything you ever dreamed of. If you keep on doing what you have always done you will not achieve anything. Doing the same things all the time but expecting a different outcome should be the definition of insanity. When you concentrate on making your life a more positive and enriching experience, you have a direct impact not only on yourself but on those around you. Energy attracts other similar energy so if you are positive, you will attract like minded people. Negativity is so contagious and this also explains why it's like that.
How can a positive perspective be gained? The way you think is under your complete control. What you feed into your mind and how you react to the news and events happening around you, you can control. It doesn't mean you can't be successful because we are in the middle of a global economic meltdown. In the last similar economic recession some of the most successful entrepreneurs were made. Perception and attitude are also reasons. Because of your thoughts and actions you got to be wherever you are in your life right now. No one else is going to rescue you and nobody else put you there.
So you change your focus. Focus on what you can do instead of concentrating on what you can't. Don't focus on what you don't want to achieve but solely think about what you do want out of this life. Living someone else's dream is not worth it. Because their parents wanted them to, doctors, lawyers or priests we have met followed that career path. This is not someone else's life, it's yours. You might as well decide to make it a positive one as you only get one shot at it. So when answering who am I? You are here on this planet; think about why. What do you have to achieve? What natural talents and abilities do you have? You could consult a numerologist if you need some help answering these questions. How are you feeling? To make sure that your Yin/Yang balance is in equilibrium and that your five elements are in balance right now perhaps you could see an energy healer. The life of your dreams is there for the taking if only you would reach out and grab it; you have to do everything possible to live the life you want.
Ask any successful person and they will be able to tell you in an instant "who am I". Can you say the same?