How to Start Writing Books
- 1). Do not go anywhere without writing utensils (i.e., paper, pens, pencils, laptop/notebook and whiteout). You'll be surprised at the random things you may see while traveling that seem like a good book idea. If you let that idea go by without documenting it, by the time you reach writing utensils, you may lose your train of thought. Always be prepared.
- 2). Create an outline or summary of what your book will be about. This does not work for some authors. They start off with an outline of one book and end up writing a completely different one. However, for other authors, outlines are a good way to organize material.
- 3). Free write. Whatever comes natural to you, write or type it in one long session for at least an hour. There will be ideas that you write down initially that you won't like now but may come back to later.
- 4). Keep a record of each character (ex. personality, looks, background). Readers will pick up on how a woman had shoulder-length dreadlocks in Chapter 2, but in Chapter 20, she has auburn-permed hair. Oftentimes, an author may change her mind about a character, but a character must be consistent.
- 5). Make sure your book has a beginning, middle and an end. Cliffhangers work well as long as the readers are enjoying the plot, but there is a huge difference between keeping a reader curious and looking like you were bored with your own story and ended it.
- 6). Fact check your work as you write, to make sure it sounds realistic. This is especially important when describing scenes. For example, if you're writing about Chicago and a character is walking on State Street but looks over at the Buckingham Fountain, a native Chicagoan is going to know that's not possible.
- 7). Spell check and edit your work. Make sure to keep a dictionary nearby, either an online dictionary or a print dictionary. Hire or ask someone who has experience editing to do so too. Nothing can destroy a great story worse than careless errors throughout the pages.