How Do I Get the Odor of Vinegar Out of My Hair?
- Add about five drops of clove bud essential oil to a 16-oz mixture of vinegar and water rinse to help overcome the smell of vinegar.
- Mix chamomile tea into the vinegar rinse to help subdue the smell of vinegar. The chamomile tea is a good treatment for the hair, too. To prepare the rinse, add about 1 tbsp. of vinegar to 1 pint of tea.
- Witch hazel also helps to erase the smell of vinegar from hair.
- Infusing the vinegar with herbs, such as rosemary or mint, can help to mask the smell of the vinegar. In a covered glass container mix equal parts of vinegar, water and dried herbs. Leave the container in a sunny window for a week or two before straining and using the liquid as a hair rinse.
- Using scented vinegars, such as sweet plum vinegar, can be a better option than regular vinegar in order to deal with the problem of lingering vinegar odor.