Happiness Comes From Within - Facing Challenges In Relationships
Facing Challenges with an open heart, must we grow from challenge? Grow from challenge? Grow where?Does this imply that challenge proves that we are un-grown? What is really being said here is that we don't like challenge and we want to get away from it.
Grow means relieve the pain, find a way around the discomfort.
But is there a way to do that? According to the laws of nature, when one challenge leaves us, another appears.
Life occurs at the border of support and challenge.
How then, do we achieve growth when there is infinite challenge? Maybe we should not grow from challenge? Maybe we should simply get used to it.
Then we can become very good at facing one particular type of challenge.
WE might become the world expert at mastering one particular challenge.
Like the "jealousy master" or the "avoid reality expert" We might master something, instead of always thinking that we are going to achieve some end by growing through it.
What you appreciate gets bigger.
You want to grow? Then you need to appreciate life more.
But I guarantee that, like everyone else, you appreciate happiness already.
So appreciating happiness more isn't making you bigger.
So, maybe the answer to this dilemma is in opposites.
Maybe by appreciating unhappiness, and rather than trying to learn from it, (which I don't think is realistic) you can expand by embracing unhappiness.
Unhappiness - not feeling in control, not feeling on top, not feeling powerful, not feeling open to new things, not feeling confident, not feeling - feeling, losing something, getting a headache whatever.
Maybe unhappiness is like winter.
Winter has benefits.
WE bemoan the cold, we bemoan the wind of winter because of the same reason we want to learn from unhappiness.
We don't like our own company, and winter takes us within to be with us.
It draws us back from the hype of the world, and back from the approval of others.
We spend more time alone.
We spend more time without the sun and so the sunshine must come from within us.
But for many people, they've forgotten how to turn that inner sunshine.
They only know the sun that is in the sky, they miss the inner one.
Unhappiness is only on the outside.
Inside, deep insider there is no unhappiness.
There is a sun, shining, so by "learning from our challenges" we run away from our sunshine.
Deep down, deep below the desire to run away, the desire to attack, the desire to achieve, and be liked, deep under the guilt and the shame, the ambition and the expectations sits a sunshine.
And we can't get into that sunshine learning from challenge, we get to it by feeling the challenge, admitting the challenge, loving the challenge.
Yeah, I am challenged.
Celebrate it.
Dance for it.
Here's proof that a God exists in your life.
Challenge, here's a feeling that brings you home, deep inside the realms of passions and frivolity and escapes.
Here's the gift.
Here's the beauty you search for.
The wealth and the abundance of life.
The ability to appreciate challenge awakens you and you expand.
A ball expands in all directions.
So if you are always trying to grow from challenge you are pushing stuff from one side of the ball to the other, taking stuff from one half and putting it in the other.
But this does not expand the ball, it just moves it along the table.
Go to the dark, the opposite side of the positives and embrace them.
Appreciate the incompetence's, the failures, the mess ups, learn to laugh at your humanity.
The drive to grow from challenge pushes you into a mode of trying to be something, someone perfect, a better person.
But what is better? You are best.
Before you change.
Before you overcome fear you are best.
You are perfect as you are.
With and including all the foibles that are you.
Embrace the dark that you run from and you'll suddenly expand in all directions.
This is appreciation.
Appreciation makes things bigger.
Your perspective is the only thing about you that you can grow, grow your perspective and see the world in an ever evolving way.
The dark is not dark, it's just beauty you can't see.