Aquatic Freshwater Plants
- Loosestrife's beauty belies its invasive nature.loosestrife on a meadow image by Maria Brzostowska from
Aquatic plants are a staple of freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, swamps and other wetland areas. Aquatic plants play a vital role in their ecosystems, providing shade, food and cover for many types of creatures. Aquatic plants come in an array of types, with some occurring below the surface, others flourishing above it, and some growing in the water along the shore. - Swamp smartweed (Polygonum amphibium) will develop in freshwater ponds and lakes, typically in water less than 6 feet deep. Swamp smartweed has elliptical leaves that develop in an alternate growing pattern along the stems. The plant can grow erect out of the water or float on the surface. The plant produces pink clusters of small flowers. Birds, waterfowl, muskrats and deer all enjoy eating the seeds of this aquatic species. Its foliage gives fish shelter and creates homes for invertebrate types of life forms.
- Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) grows in bunches in nearly every aquatic environment in the United States. Purple loosestrife, despite its attractive appearance, is an invasive freshwater aquatic plant, known for choking shorelines and replacing native species. Once it becomes established, purple loosestrife can reduce the amount of area available as suitable waterfowl habitat. Native to Europe, Asia and the Orient, purple loosestrife can take the form of a multi-branched plant, resembling at times elaborate candelabra. The plant can grow between 4 and 10 feet tall, with spikes of magenta flowers that have from five to seven petals.
- Stonewort (Nitella species) is just one of 30 types of algae hailing from the Characeae family that occurs in freshwater venues across the Untied States. Like all algae, stonewort lacks true roots, leaves or stems. It floats freely in the water, usually in deeper areas. This advanced kind of algae can grow many feet in length and imitate a much larger plant. Insects depend heavily upon stonewort as a source of food, making this algae an important cog in the food chain.
- Wild celery (Vallisneria americana) goes by the nicknames of eelgrass and tapegrass, growing in lakes at depths as great as 15 feet. This aquatic plant also occurs in streams. It grows best when the bottom is somewhat hard. Wild celery features leaves like ribbons, with the dark green foliage growing under the surface of the water. The roots grab hold in the mud and sand and by the end of summer, its tiny white flowers develop on a twirling stalk. Wild celery is edible by ducks and muskrats; fish will take advantage of its presence to hide from their enemies and stay out of the sun.