Beauty and Style of the Window Awning
While window awnings have been popular for a long time, the rising cost of energy has made them even more popular.
Of course, in addition to helping reduce monthly energy bills, the window awning also enhances the beauty and style of a home.
Simply choose a color, pattern, or style that complements the home and you will be amazed at the transformation.
Typically, people first relate a window awning to a means of beautifying a home but the functional aspect soon wins out.
During the hot summer, a window awning helps cut back heat and glare.
Then in the winter, a window awning can help block out wind and cold.
To give you an idea how beneficial an awning can be, consider that during the hotter season, temperatures can be reduced between eight and fifteen degrees, which is quite substantial.
If your window faces the south, solar heat can be reduced by as much as 65% and up to 77% for westward facing windows.
With so many people focusing on cost savings, you will find a number of manufacturers that design awnings with a protective acrylic coating.
The result is even more protection from outdoor elements.
The window awning with this type of coating provides years of enjoyment and benefit while not fading.
The colors stay bright and vibrant, sometimes more than fives years.
When looking at awnings, you will discover a number of design options.
For example, you could choose a retractable window awning, freestanding, or stationary.
In addition, awnings are made to have open or closed sides, which is really a matter of personal preference.
When considering size, a good rule of thumb is that the awning would be about 50% that of the actual window.
Therefore, if you had a window measuring 36 inches wide, the window awning would measure approximately 18 inches.
If you have any concerns or questions, the awning manufacturer should be able to assist.
With a window awning, the exterior wall or window frame is used for mounting.
This way, your awning will be level, sturdy, and look perfect.
Although you could spend good money on a window awning, most are affordably priced, adding charm and elegance.
You can purchase an awning and have that company perform the installation, or buy an awning on sale and hire someone to do the work for you.
On the other hand, if you are good at fixing and working on things around the house, then you could do the assembly and installation yourself.
A window awning can also save you money on existing treasures.
With the sun's UV rays, things fade.
Therefore, if your windows are not protected, the sun could cause your wall paint, artwork, carpeting, and even furniture to lose color.
Just remember that some awnings come with a full guarantee whiles others do not.
Although your awning might last for years, it would be worth the investment to choose one with quality fabric, as well as hardware.