Paintings of Paul Cezanne
His works can be considered as a great transition from the artistic endeavour that existed during 19th century to the time when the art is moving in a radical direction.
The exploratory and repetitive brushstrokes that are made by Cezanne are something recognizable and also highly characteristic.
He made use of planes of the colors and the brushstrokes were smaller that were build up for forming complex fields.
The paintings that he made can easily convey the study that he had done in very intense manner on the subjects.
Picassion and Matisse have many time mentioned him as their father in art.
His way of art really showed the transition of the painting from one form to another between the centuries.
Cizannes were the ones who lives in Cessana and this is the surname that is originated from Italy.
Paul Cezanne is the artist who was born on the year 1839.
His father was Louis Auguste who was the co-founder of a financial institution that has given him financial support during his struggling phase which was lacked many of the painters of his time.
He even inherited this huge amount of earnings.
It was because of this financial stability that the individuals made the people who were really something which was just a place for them to stay.
His mother Annie Elisabeth is the person who has influenced the outlook of Cizanne towards life.
He has a strong passion towards painting and arts that made him pursue the artistic development in spite of the objections that he had from his father.
Cezanne is the artist who has really made a great contribution to the artistic world.
There are chances for having formative influence over younger artist.
There are chances for following decade in the landscape painting excursions.
The early work that is done by this popular painter is done from landscape and many things.
It has got so many heavy figures as that of landscape.
He gradually got interested later on working with the direct observation.
The cezanne is the mature work which is something that is development of the solidified.
It is something that is architectural style of the painting.
There are chances for this to be struggled in a great way.
It is something that is accurate and is representing it in the paint.
There are chances for the individuals to easily get the best way for having the kind of simple forms as well as color planes.
He is the one who made greater contributions to the field.
Cezanne met with impressionist Camille Pissarro and they had great friendship.
This friendship was formed during middle of 1860s between them that was the master as well as disciple.
This has exerted much influence on this younger painter.
The early work of this painter was so much concerned with figure in landscapes and it includes so many paintings that of the heavy figures of landscape, imaginatively painted and many paintings that of the large group.