Can You Have Money in the Bank & Collect Social Security Disability?
- Social Security requires that you have sufficient work history to qualify for disability benefits, and adheres to strict guidelines to determine disability. The definition requires that the worker must not be able to work in his usual occupation or must have a diagnosis that is terminal. The state Disability Determination Services office confirms the disability and reports findings to Social Security. Social Security disability takes significant time and effort to receive. Once the worker begins receiving Social Security disability benefits, reexamination and reporting are required to check for improvement in condition. Social Security does not require disclosure of your assets or resources at any time during the application process or at any time while you receive benefits.
- The federal government provides SSI benefits to low-income individuals who are disabled, blind or over age 65, regardless of work history. SSI disability pays benefits to those who cannot work to provide for themselves. In addition to being disabled, an individual receiving SSI disability benefits must prove need. You can have $2,000 in resources or money in the bank and your monthly income must be below $1,433 to qualify for SSI disability. SSI disability requires monthly reporting to Social Security. Changes in living conditions, earned or unearned income, resources or medical condition may reduce your SSI benefit, or you may lose it temporarily or permanently.
- SSI disability federal funding provides $674 a month maximum. If you have other income or resources, Social Security reduces your payment for the pay period two months forward from when you report the changes. If you report March changes, they show up in your June check. Some states provide supplemental funds for SSI, and most states allow food assistance benefits for SSI disability recipients.
- If you receive Social Security disability, the amount is the same figure you would receive in retirement benefits at full retirement age. Workers born between 1943 and 1954 reach full retirement age at 66, and this is the amount of the retirement benefit shown on your Social Security statement mailed to your address each year. You receive benefits or you don't. There is no partial disability and no other payment.