News About Software Engineering
In the beginning of most four year curriculum's, a computer science or software engineering student is expected to take an Introduction to Computer Science course. This course will typically begin to teach the student the fundamentals of a programming language. The most common programming languages as of the time of this writing for introduction classes are C++ and Java.
After completing a CS-Introduction course, the student in both CS (computer science) and SE (software engineering) will move on to take a Computer Science II course. This course is more advanced, and builds on the student's knowledge of basic programming. It introduces the concepts of data structures and algorithms. Students who complete this level should have a reasonably solid grasp of the language being taught, as well as how to implement (i.e., actually program) algorithms (a big fancy word for the procedure that tells the computer to do something).
Specialization refers to models of software development, object-oriented analysis and design, design patterns, frameworks, architecture and information management systems software life cycle. It also provides coverage of the quantitative aspects of software production, quality software, and software reliability statistics.
For those who go to the best TOP Colleges, the employment viewpoint is hopeful. At the same time as some regions, for example petroleum and mining are illustrating waning employment rates, additional regions are holding stable or raising. For graduates of the most excellent engineering colleges, the job marketplace for computer hardware, and software engineering, biomedical Technology and environmental engineering is predicted to rise by 30 - 40% by 2014.
Even McConnell;s argument has an interesting dichotomy. On one hand he concedes that the term "software engineering" is still loosely thrown around, on the other, he sounds reassuring by saying that we do have a body of knowledge that is stable enough to call software engineering. Of course, at this point, I should probably indicate my favorite definition of an Engineer, coined by Nevil Shute, which goes "An engineer is someone who can do for ten shillings what any fool can do for a pound." For those curious, twenty shillings equaled one pound.
Both computer scientists and software engineers are required to take the introductory course in software engineering. After this course is completed, the curriculum of computer scientists and software engineers can vary significantly depending on the requirements of the university or college.
The SOLID Principles were introduced to the Software Engineering public by Robert Martin, who is also commonly called "Uncle Bob" by all of us software engineering students who have received OOP (Object Oriented Programming) training under the umbrella of his teachings and students.
All of these principles are very closely related to computer science concepts like SoC (Separation of Concern), Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation - Tenets of Object Oriented Programming.
Another relationship worth mentioning that you could gather from the study of SOLID Principles would be that of a connection to the concept of using design patterns, both in relation to their use, how they are used and so on and in relation to substitutions for commonly used design patterns, as Dependency Injection is sometimes to Factory.
Additionally, there is the relationship in terms of preventing the use of anti-patterns, otherwise known as "smelly code" or common faults.
Software developers may be tasked with creating a product from scratch according to a customer's specifications or modifying existing software, and they work in a range of industries, including computer systems design, electronic product manufacturing, and finance
The bottom line to SRP is that if you are creating or refactoring or "enhancing" code that violates SRP, start weeding and dissecting. Turn one class into two, two into four, and so on until you find each class and method/function is only responsible for one thing and only has one thing to change should the common need for change arise.