True And Applied Techniques To Increase Employee Motivation
Every business has some realistic, specific and attainable goals. Employee motivation is the key factor to attain these goals despite intense competition, shortage of resources and other hardships. If you are a business owner, you must focus on enhancing the motivation level of your employees through a different technique, since it not only helps you to earn more profits but also helps employees to enjoy a creative and proactive life.
Maslows Motivational Theory!
Rupert Murdoch says, In motivating people you have to engage their minds and hearts. But how can we engage the hearts and minds of the employees? Maslows Hierarchy of Needs suggests a suitable answer to this question. According to this theory, human needs are categorized in different levels. In order to motivate people to higher levels you need to satisfy their lower needs first. In the order of the nodes, biological (food, clothing and shelter) needs top the rest and are followed by physiological (sex), safety and security (job security), social and self esteem or self fulfillment needs.
So Distributors and other businesses starting from the lowest level of needs should continue satisfying higher level of needs of their employees to generate a full motivated labour force that can reward them with the highest possible profits.
Motivating Employees True and Applied Techniques!
Smart distributors and other businesses know how to increase the viability of their business though a balanced, loyal and motivated employee force. For this purpose, following true and applied techniques are highly recommended to follow.
Employee Treatment!
Always treat employees fairly without any discrimination of religion, race and gender.
Identify the skills of all employees carefully and fix their remuneration according to their performance & skills.
The owner should participate in all processes of the business and set an example of hard work for the employees.
Employee Recognition!
Involve employees in all minor and major business decisions and ask them to present their thoughts, ideas or advice freely.
Give awards or certificates to employees for excellence and highlight their names in the companys newsletter.
Display the performance of every employee on the business board so that those who perform best get recognition.
Employee Incentives!
Provide different perks and incentives to the employees like pensions, medical facilities, health insurance including family coverage, disability insurance etc.
If an employee performance exceeds a certain level, give him/her bonuses or gifts.
If an employee is consistently performing well, increase his/her remuneration and promotions.
Allow a fixed quota of sick and causal leaves to employees and if they dont utilize them, provide them with leave encashment.
Employee Empowerment!
Conduct employee surveys frequently to gather their suggestions and implement them if appropriate.
Conduct meetings after every month. Discuss the issues they face in the company and take proper actions to solve them.
Never go for employees layoff and consider them a part of your family.
Employee Appreciation!
Announce the employee of the month and employee of the year just to encourage other employees to work hard.
Celebrate important events of the employees like anniversaries and birthdays by making surprise announcements.
Provide them with free company gifts and send letters of appreciation and thanks from time to time.