10 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Usage During The Next Energy Saving Hour and Every Day
Have you tried not consuming energy for any period of time? When the power goes out doesn't count. You may not realize it but we are still consuming power even when all the lights are off and we're asleep. Usually the refrigerator is still working and so are the clocks as well as the computer and many other electronics on standby and we could go on. You may not know it but most electronic use electricity even when they are off to power memory etc.
This spring on Earth Day get involved but hen make some of the things you doing become an everyday way of life. It will save you money and soon you won't notice any difference in your way of life.
So if you want to cut back on your electricity use and looking for ideas have a look below and you will find many for you to use:
1. The number one way is to replacement your light bulbs with CFL or LED light bulbs. They pay for themselves within months, and keep saving you money for years.
2. Install a low flow shower head to replace your regular one and use aerators on taps.
3. Wash your clothes in cold water. Did you know that most of the cost of washing your clothes is used in heating the water. With the detergents on the market today there is no problem getting your clothes clean even in cold water.
4. Use a clothesline for drying your clothes for even greater cost saving when doing your laundry.
5. Lower the temperature setting on your hot water heater. Usually the temperature is set higher than is required. By lowering it just a few degrees to a comfortable temperature setting for use will conserve a lot of energy.
6. Put power bars on all your electronics as that makes it easy to get them all off and not using energy.
7. Insulate your house at least up to code if at all possible and seal any air leaks through your exterior walls. Insulating will cost you some money and it will take some effort on your part, but will have a huge impact on your comfort. It will also impact in a positive way your energy bills.
8. You can also seal around the electrical outlets in your exterior walls with gaskets under the outlet covers. They are very easy to install.
9. Lower your thermostat when you are not at home or during the night while you sleep. Each degree you lower your thermostat will save you approximately 3% on your heating bill.
10. Use energy efficient appliances whenever possible. Appliances such as washers, dryers refrigerators, stoves and dishwashers all can give you significant energy savings.
It really is our responsibility to change some of the ways we live in order to leave the earth in a condition that we can pass on to future generations. To do this we need to implement the energy saving hour in our homes and pass on an awareness of how to save energy and be kind to the environment to our children.