Natural Remedies for Nocturnal Emissions That Work
This is observed in most of the males after attaining puberty.
Very often nocturnal emission is related to the general debility or sexual weakness, but in most cases it is a normal symptom caused due to the functioning of the male sex hormones.
The symptoms are generally observed in the teenager males when they are sexually inactive, and gradually decrease with the increase in their age or when they become sexually active.
Some males may not experience this nightfall throughout their life.
Nightfall must not be treated as an abnormal condition because it indicates the development of reproductive organs.
One should definitely consult a doctor in cases of frequent nocturnal emission.
Excess nightfall may result in sexual weakness, erectile dysfunction and infertility in the future.
Symptoms The main symptom for nightfall is the leaking of semen at night during sleep.
Sometimes one has to change the sheets frequently and it becomes a bothering problem.
Causes Nocturnal emission is considered as a natural way of cleansing the seminal vesicles by releasing the semen during sleep.
During the rapid eye movement (REM) in sleep, man experiences erotic dreams that causes hard erection, ultimately resulting in the ejaculation of semen.
In the absence of active sex life or masturbation, the seminal vesicles get filled due to the overactive sex hormones, which are emptied through night ejaculation.
Teenagers abstaining from masturbation and active sex life experience this problem most.
The symptoms gradually subside with age, due to the reduction of the hyperactivity of sex hormones.
Natural Remedies for Nocturnal Emission Nightfall gets cured naturally in most cases, and some simple natural remedies are effective in alleviating this problem.
Osha is a highly potential herb found in the Rocky mountain areas of US.
It is very effective in treating nocturnal emission caused due to any virus or bacterial inflammation of the gonads.
Drink a cup of Sage tea regularly before going to bed.
Take calcium and magnesium supplements regularly half an hour before going to bed.
Calcium and magnesium helps in relaxing the body and mind and prevents nightfall.
Regular intake of one teaspoonful of celery juice including the stalks with honey is also effective in reducing the problem.
This mixture should also be taken before going to bed.
Herbal supplements containing extracts of Shilajit, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Haritaki enhances the functioning of seminal vesicles, testicles, sperm ducts, and helps in alleviating this problem.
You can use NF Cure capsules twice a day with milk or water to cure nocturnal emission.