Liquidation and Bankruptcy Tips
Don't panic and stay cool, because the same thing is going on up and down streets all over the U.
and Canada with the decline of the economy.
Cut your personal expenses as far down as possible and don't start drowning your sorrows in dope or alcohol.
If you have a romantic partner talk to them and if they aren't willing to accept the realities that prevail and go with your financial recovery program then you are going to have to spend a little time being single, because they are going to leave you any way when things get real tight.
Remember that as soon as you're financial affairs are in order and you are solvent finding another attractive bed partner will be a cinch.
You may have to get a temporary job that is below your skill or educational qualifications and the quicker you accept this and do it the sooner you will back crapping in tall cotton.
People such as your in laws will try to run you down and make you feel like a failure but don't let it get to you and remember that as soon as the economy comes back up, so will your bank account.
Besides all these people that talk behind your back are the very same boot lickers that will be sucking up to you when your ship pulls into port.
Get professional advice and there is plenty available online for free and many times your creditors will have sources for information that they can refer you to.
Keep your chin up and remember that every fighter gets knocked down a time or two; you just have to remember to roll with the punches and keep on swinging.