Be in Harmony With Hummingbird - Create Conversational Content
Producing consistent, quality content, on a regular basis, was the key to SEO success.
Now that online advertisers and marketers have been introduced to Hummingbird, the same rule applies.
Content still plays a critical role in website development and ongoing SEO strategies.
The only difference that the Hummingbird update has made is the shift towards conversational content.
The purpose of this shift is to enhance the Google user experience.
When Google announces algorithm changes like Hummingbird, you never really know what to expect.
The important thing is not to get frazzled and keep in mind that the update affects everyone, not just you.
In the case of Hummingbird, the news is good.
As long as you continue to focus on content as part of a well-developed SEO strategy, then Hummingbird should not cause you any trouble.
There are just a few changes that need to be considered in order to thrive online in harmony with Hummingbird.
Keep the user in mind.
When creating new content for your site, or for off site link building purposes, the best thing you can do is try to think like your current or potential customers.
What search strings are they typing in the search bar? What kinds of questions do they want answered? 2.
Ditch the "fluffing".
Stuffing keywords into content is basically worthless now.
It is also a waste of time to produce content that doesn't offer relevant and useful information.
Fluffy and flowery language will not get you anywhere as far as SEO is concerned.
Save that for your traditional advertising efforts.
Be conscious of conversation.
Online users are no longer typing single keywords into search engines.
They ask actual questions and type logical phrases.
Google can now understand what these words mean, so the search engine's role is to then provide the best and most accurate results, hence improving the overall user experience.
Don't be afraid of depth.
Hummingbird addresses the actual intent of search users, so the deeper you can dive into that particular topic of interest, the better.
Consumers can spot shallow content from a mile away, and so can Google! Content that lacks focus, credibility, and quality will not reap any reward.
Hummingbird has already been aflutter and made its presence known on the web, and it will continue to do so in order to provide Google users with the most optimal experience possible.
Needless to say, this will not be the last algorithm update that affects your SEO strategy.