Getting Out of Debt Begins With You!Find a Mirror
In order to realize how to get out of debt, you must first take a good hard look at the person you brush your teeth with every day.
Success with your money begins with you.
You have to make a commitment to yourself to never again borrow money that you don't have, pay for things you don't need with credit, finance cars with loans and buy houses you can't afford.
From this day forward, you are not to buy anything unless you have the cash to do so.
A mortgage is about the only exception as long as the monthly payment does not exceed 25% of your take home pay.
It is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it I promise.
There will be no easy buttons on this journey towards debt freedom, but if you develop a plan and stick to it you will win.
Winning with your money is 80% about behavior modification, taking responsibility, and accountability for your actions while only 20% comes from what lies between your ears.
That meaning "head knowledge".
You see if you can get a control of yourself you will win with your money.
We as a nation and a whole have all been acting like a bunch of spoiled brats for way too long, and it is time that we grow up.
Once you have gained control of yourself, and your sick of being broke, tired, and living fist to mouth, you can then begin to develop the focus and determination needed to stay the course.
From there you can develop your get out of debt plan such as saving for a rainy day, budgeting an eliminating debt, wealth building etc.
It is time to break the chains that bind you and become intense on changing your behavior so that you can win with your money and become debt free.
So that being said, go find that mirror and have a "heart to heart" talk with yourself.
You will soon be on track to getting out of debt.