Finding The Home Business Franchise Of Your Dreams
They talk about a zest for life and not wasting time on the things that in truth are really not important.
Take a look into your life and tell me how many people could you point to with a good amount certainty as an example of this mindset? Even more who practice it in action and actuality? Could you even point to yourself? My wager is that your average person (even some of your above average people) talks a good game, but they don't spend their lives chasing the dream and living in the moment by moment excitement that is truly the gift of life.
They say you can take your 5 to 10 closest friends, take the average of their incomes, and that will be your income.
What does this teach us? Environment Is Everything You are a product of your environment and ultimately this may predetermine your success when speaking of a home business franchise.
Think about it.
Without the support of others, how many times have you succeeded in your life? Without someone holding you accountable for your own commitments, how many times have you actually followed through on them? Have you ever really been committed to your own success? Most people will tell you that they have a fear of failure; the truth (as I see it) is that most people fear their success.
It's much easier to fall from 3 feet, then falling from 50 feet.
There is much less personal responsibility in failure then when dealing with success.
The environment you keep is vital for your success in the home business franchise arena.
Every parent knows this instinctively.
Let your kid play with "bad kids" and your kid will be a bad kid.
Let you kid play with "good kids" and your kid will be a good kid.
Same goes in business.
Having an environment that will hold you accountable, will support your personal growth as a leader, and train you is absolutely vital to your success as a home business franchise owner.
I don't care if you have the Ferrari of products if you don't know how to market, you'll fail.
If you aren't supported or being held accountable, you'll fail.
By nature, humans are slimy, and we give up on ourselves and our commitments way before anyone gives up on us (I.
Smoking Addictions or Eating Addictions).
We then point the finger at others so we don't have to deal with the true source of the problem.
This speaks to my point that having an environment that will cultivate leadership and empower you in your home business franchise is what will keep you going and reaching for the stars that you were present to when you started your journey.
A Burning Desire To Transform You Life And Yourself Often times people miss the fact that if they already knew how to be a millionaire, to live a life of complete freedom and choice they would already be living it.
They walk into a situation or opportunity thinking that they already "know this".
I assert that in order to succeed you will need to transform you thinking and the way you view your world or reality.
Your thinking got you to where you are, it's not going to take you much farther than that.
Perhaps just different versions of the same results.
If you already knew how to be success you wouldn't have to read an article on how to do it, you'd be writing it instead.
Maybe this stirs up emotions inside of you, but my intention is not to be confrontational, just to be as real as possible and perhaps you need to take a hard look at yourself and increase your capacity for being responsible.
In a world where people want to see proof before they are willing to believe something, you end up with a lot of people waiting for something to happen rather than affecting the change they want to see.
A wise man once taught me, "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".
This philosophy can alter the way you perceive yourself, your life, the people around you and success.
Choose an open mind and open ears.
Leave your opinions on the side, they won't serve you well usually.
You Must Be Coachable In order to succeed as a home business franchise owner, you must learn from those that are already doing it successfully.
I've seen very few business models where "reinventing the wheel" is appropriate.
Instead, learn the business you are in from the best in the industry.
When you become masterful at doing it the way it's intended to be done and you can do it with integrity, then it's time to start getting creative and putting your own spin on it.
Think of great artists, singers, or entertainers.
They modeled or learned from people who had done what they wanted to do and reached the top.
It's only when this artist becomes proficient in their field that they begin having their own flavor and uniqueness, but they had to stand on the shoulders of the masters that came before them.
Sports are a great example of this also.
Can Do Attitude You'll often hear people throw around a few words too often.
I promise.
I'm sorry.
Be positive.
Let's talk about this last one.
For most people being positive is like having a mud pie, covering it with whip cream, and then trying to feed it to everyone.
Yuck! Unless you've done the work to get rid of the mud, positivity is just a nice thin cover hiding a lot of inauthenticity in your life and believe it or not whether you tell people they can still sense it.
People are connected on a much deeper level then most of us are observing or willing to admit.
Try as you might to lie and maneuver through life, just in order to survive, and most people will see right through it, at least the ones that aren't playing the same game as you.
The ones that put up with it are the ones that don't want to be called out on their own stuff and hence play that same game.
Being positive isn't about covering up anything, it's about being authentic.
Those home business franchise owners who know how to be authentically positive and have a can do attitude will never surrender to their failures, will never give up and will perceiver to see their goals achieved.
You Have To Play The Game To Succeeda The main difference between successful people and the ones that aren't is that successful people keep playing the game they set forth without a loss of power and or enthusiasm even in the face of failure.
You probably read this article and thought, "so how does this help me find the home business franchise of my dreams".
I'll tell you how.
When picking a company, when buying anything for that matter if you really think about it, as a consumer, we buy with our emotions.
Then we justify our purchase with logic.
If you buy a Mercedes-Benz, it's most likely for the status and the way it makes you feel.
Then you'll justify it by talking about the safety features, the ride quality, and the professional build.
What I have laid out for you is the feel of a company.
I believe that a company must make you feel that it will support you in all these 5 areas that have been discussed above.
As a home business franchise owner you must buy into it with your emotions, you have to connect with their vision and their commitment and community.
After this connection you can figure out the logistics, but the feel has to be there and when it's there you'll know that you found the home business franchise of your dreams!