What To Expect With A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy
When a woman gets pregnant, there is an increased chance that she will develop a yeast infection during her pregnancy.
The best way to deal with this is to first understand a few of the facts that are involved with a yeast infection during pregnancy.
Knowing what it is, what causes it, what to expect and how to treat will go a long way in assisting a woman in her battle with this bothersome issue and get her well on her way of defeating this with little to no trouble.
First the exact definition of a yeast infection is when there is an imbalance in the amount of acid along with yeast, this allow for an infection to grow from the increased amount of yeast that is being produced.
This can be a bothersome but in most cases no serious issue that has to be dealt with.
Before that can be done, there should be a look at what are a few of the causes.
The imbalance of hormones that are going on during the pregnancy is always a good place to begin with the search of what is causing the issue to be present.
If you are on a hormone regiment or are taking birth control pills, then this will lead to there being an imbalance and as a result lead to an issue forming.
There are a few signs that you are dealing with a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy.
One of the more common of these, is a discharge that resembles that of cottage cheese, this will often have a smell like that of bread or yeast, hence the name of a yeast infection.
The discharge will often also have a different color to it but will still have the same type of smell to it.
Pain during urination or intercourse will be another distinct sign that things are not right.
This can be a serious issue that has to be given the utmost of attention, as this will be a sure sign that either a UTI is present or the presence of a yeast infection.
Treatment will often require one of three methods, the first being a trip to your local store, the next being your local doctor or the final one being a trip to the kitchen.
These three are all an option depending on the severity of the infection that you are experiencing.
Many of these can be cured with a simple trip to your kitchen pantry and finding something like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
If this seems to not cure it, then head to your local doctor and talk with him the many options that are able to be used in helping to get you past the issue.
They will often prescribe an antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of the infection.
All of this will help a woman better understand the things that are going on when it involves a Yeast infection during pregnancy.
A little knowledge is a wonderful thing to have in helping to get past the issue.
The best way to deal with this is to first understand a few of the facts that are involved with a yeast infection during pregnancy.
Knowing what it is, what causes it, what to expect and how to treat will go a long way in assisting a woman in her battle with this bothersome issue and get her well on her way of defeating this with little to no trouble.
First the exact definition of a yeast infection is when there is an imbalance in the amount of acid along with yeast, this allow for an infection to grow from the increased amount of yeast that is being produced.
This can be a bothersome but in most cases no serious issue that has to be dealt with.
Before that can be done, there should be a look at what are a few of the causes.
The imbalance of hormones that are going on during the pregnancy is always a good place to begin with the search of what is causing the issue to be present.
If you are on a hormone regiment or are taking birth control pills, then this will lead to there being an imbalance and as a result lead to an issue forming.
There are a few signs that you are dealing with a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy.
One of the more common of these, is a discharge that resembles that of cottage cheese, this will often have a smell like that of bread or yeast, hence the name of a yeast infection.
The discharge will often also have a different color to it but will still have the same type of smell to it.
Pain during urination or intercourse will be another distinct sign that things are not right.
This can be a serious issue that has to be given the utmost of attention, as this will be a sure sign that either a UTI is present or the presence of a yeast infection.
Treatment will often require one of three methods, the first being a trip to your local store, the next being your local doctor or the final one being a trip to the kitchen.
These three are all an option depending on the severity of the infection that you are experiencing.
Many of these can be cured with a simple trip to your kitchen pantry and finding something like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
If this seems to not cure it, then head to your local doctor and talk with him the many options that are able to be used in helping to get you past the issue.
They will often prescribe an antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of the infection.
All of this will help a woman better understand the things that are going on when it involves a Yeast infection during pregnancy.
A little knowledge is a wonderful thing to have in helping to get past the issue.