Are You in Love With What You Do?
I am in the midst of teaching a brand-new course that is full of content, strategies, tips and resources to help female entrepreneurs unlock their hidden value and learn how to charge what they're worth so they can finally enjoy their businesses that are filled with passion, purpose and profit! And I'm totally in love with the process of designing and teaching the course and having the opportunity to bring other women "behind the curtain" with me and share what I've learned not only about entrepreneurial success, but about, pure, authentic, soul-based entrepreneurial success - where you not only have a profitable business and a beautiful life-style, but you are being of service and making a tremendous impact on humanity through your venture.
And as I designed the content, and prepared the curriculum for teaching, it didn't surprise me how much of what I "do" and teach is about the intangibles.
Providing tools that will help a woman go to her insides and extract her invariable and innate gifts in order for her to fall in love with what she's doing - and as a result create a business that is in complete alignment with her heart's desires.
Sounds simple enough right? Well, not always.
See, what so many folks don't realize is - the real meat and potatoes to being a successful, spirit-filled, soul-based, female entrepreneur, is the inner workings of YOU.
The inner alignment you feel about your own worthiness and your own innate ability to manifest and claim anything that your heart desires.
And most women judge their heart.
They think it's wrong to desire beautiful things that would make them more comfortable and feel more luxurious.
They think it's wrong to love what they do because a belief was instituted long ago that told them that work needs to be work, and that if you are not working 80-hours a week and struggling to earn your keep, then something is wrong.
That if you love what you're doing and it comes easily and effortlessly, then you must not be on the right road.
Sounds crazy on paper but if you dug down deep enough, I bet you'd uncover some past programming that made you believe that you need to struggle in order to succeed.
And trust me, I translated the same beliefs that I learned growing-up, and from my corporate days, right into my business.
I took that big, heavy boulder and pushed it up the hill, did work that I didn't love, worked long hours, struggled and strived, thinking it would lead me that uber entrepreneurial success that I longed for.
But what it left me with was - mediocre results, a sore back, and a business that I resented.
So what I'm teaching the gals in the Charge Your Worth course is that to follow your heart not only means that you follow your passion and align with your purpose, but you do so in a way that allows you to step into the "flow" of your life and business - where you let yourself be led in a graceful and elegant dance that includes lots of surrender, trust, and ease - and allows you to fall in love with your dance partner.
It may sound all woo-woo, but it really isn't because if you're committed to your purpose and living out your purpose, you must believe that it doesn't need to be difficult or a struggle.
Here's a way to look at it: think of your business as a beautiful flower - that starts out as a seed - and will eventually grow into a beautiful garden.
In order for that garden to manifest, that seed needs to be nurtured, nourished and put in the right environment.
It needs the right elements in order to grow - but it doesn't need to be told - hurry up already! why aren't you doing this? you need to do this, and this, and this in order to grow and be beautiful! No, what a flower needs in order for it to grow into it's natural, beautiful Self, a Self that already knows deep down what it's made to become, it simply needs the right nutrients - and care - and it will manifest naturally.
And that environment is not only the people that you surround yourself with who you choose to support you in your growth and evolution, but it's your own internal environment too.
It's what you're putting in your mind everyday that will allow you to blossom or to whiter.
It's how you're talking to yourself and feeding your heart that will make all the difference.
So let me ask you - are you stomping on that seed in your heart by judging what it's guiding you to do? Or are you feeding it with sunlight and water so it can grow - and following it to the places and people it's guiding you to go to in order to evolve? As always, it's your choice.
And as I designed the content, and prepared the curriculum for teaching, it didn't surprise me how much of what I "do" and teach is about the intangibles.
Providing tools that will help a woman go to her insides and extract her invariable and innate gifts in order for her to fall in love with what she's doing - and as a result create a business that is in complete alignment with her heart's desires.
Sounds simple enough right? Well, not always.
See, what so many folks don't realize is - the real meat and potatoes to being a successful, spirit-filled, soul-based, female entrepreneur, is the inner workings of YOU.
The inner alignment you feel about your own worthiness and your own innate ability to manifest and claim anything that your heart desires.
And most women judge their heart.
They think it's wrong to desire beautiful things that would make them more comfortable and feel more luxurious.
They think it's wrong to love what they do because a belief was instituted long ago that told them that work needs to be work, and that if you are not working 80-hours a week and struggling to earn your keep, then something is wrong.
That if you love what you're doing and it comes easily and effortlessly, then you must not be on the right road.
Sounds crazy on paper but if you dug down deep enough, I bet you'd uncover some past programming that made you believe that you need to struggle in order to succeed.
And trust me, I translated the same beliefs that I learned growing-up, and from my corporate days, right into my business.
I took that big, heavy boulder and pushed it up the hill, did work that I didn't love, worked long hours, struggled and strived, thinking it would lead me that uber entrepreneurial success that I longed for.
But what it left me with was - mediocre results, a sore back, and a business that I resented.
So what I'm teaching the gals in the Charge Your Worth course is that to follow your heart not only means that you follow your passion and align with your purpose, but you do so in a way that allows you to step into the "flow" of your life and business - where you let yourself be led in a graceful and elegant dance that includes lots of surrender, trust, and ease - and allows you to fall in love with your dance partner.
It may sound all woo-woo, but it really isn't because if you're committed to your purpose and living out your purpose, you must believe that it doesn't need to be difficult or a struggle.
Here's a way to look at it: think of your business as a beautiful flower - that starts out as a seed - and will eventually grow into a beautiful garden.
In order for that garden to manifest, that seed needs to be nurtured, nourished and put in the right environment.
It needs the right elements in order to grow - but it doesn't need to be told - hurry up already! why aren't you doing this? you need to do this, and this, and this in order to grow and be beautiful! No, what a flower needs in order for it to grow into it's natural, beautiful Self, a Self that already knows deep down what it's made to become, it simply needs the right nutrients - and care - and it will manifest naturally.
And that environment is not only the people that you surround yourself with who you choose to support you in your growth and evolution, but it's your own internal environment too.
It's what you're putting in your mind everyday that will allow you to blossom or to whiter.
It's how you're talking to yourself and feeding your heart that will make all the difference.
So let me ask you - are you stomping on that seed in your heart by judging what it's guiding you to do? Or are you feeding it with sunlight and water so it can grow - and following it to the places and people it's guiding you to go to in order to evolve? As always, it's your choice.