Foam Insulation: Tips to Avoid Foaming Your Home to Ruin
Choosing the right insulation material is therefore a decision process that requires long and careful consideration.
It's definitely not advisable to automatically go for pink fiberglass just because all your neighbors chose it for home insulation.
You can dare to be different! You can, for instance, choose spray-on foam insulation for your home! Tips on Foam Insulation for Your Home Information is the key to everything.
Just to ensure that you won't be accused of making an uninformed decision when you do proceed to use foam insulation for your home, here are a number of basic facts that you have to know about it: How Foam Is Able to Insulate Your Home You may think of foam as this fluffy cloudy material that couldn't protect you from anything in this world, but you've definitely thought wrong, because in this case, foam can be quite a tough nut to crack.
Firstly, when we talk about foam, we're pretty sure that your mind is automatically conjuring images of foam which we usually see in bathtubs and Jacuzzis.
You're only partially correct, however, because what we're strictly referring to is the type of foam used by appliance makers in refrigerators and water heaters.
Foam, in this instance, is made of polyurethane materials, to be specific.
What happens next is that the foaming ingredient goes through pressure-bound spray needles and is then released on the external area of your home's attic and side walls.
As it spreads around, it creates an insulating protective shield that encompasses your whole house.
Comparison of Spray-In Foam Insulation against Other Types of Insulation Compared vis a vis other types of home insulation, sprayed-in foam insulation is the clear and obvious winner.
Firstly, unlike fiber glass or even cellulose, spray-in foam insulation has the ability to seal close even the most minuscule cracks in your house's walls, cracks that are practically invisible to the naked area.
Secondly, spray-in foam population doesn't waste huge amounts of energy just to filter the air properly inside the house and produce a well-ventilated atmosphere for its inhabitants.
Thirdly, its main ingredient, polyurethane, has been measured as having the highest R value in terms of thickness in comparison against other types of insulating materials.
For this reason, people who choose this method of insulation are able to benefit from using thinner and definitely more affordable 2x4 walls than the standard 2x6 walls.
Cost-Efficiency of Using Spray-In Foam Insulation Besides the benefits already mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are other ways of which you automatically save money just by choosing this method to insulate your home: Lesser Framing Costs - When you use spray-in foam insulation, you immediately save on framing expenses because you don't need to have extended windows or door jambs.
Increased Living Space - Consequently, your house get to benefit from additional living space.
By coordinating with an architect, you might even be able to combine all extra space resulting from your choice of insulating method and create a new closet or even a guest room in the end! Moisture Control - This is especially important because excess moisture at home can lead to numerous complications.
Firstly, it can cause your attic or basement to retain a damp and undesirable odor, which will consequently affect the smell of whatever it is that's stored in those rooms.
Secondly, moisture can gradually cause damage to paints or wallpapers, which will then require you to pay for renovation expenses.
Thirdly, excess moisture can also ruin your painting collection as it can cause paint to peel off.
Fourthly, damp areas are hugely attractive to insects and this will increase the risk of you and your family contracting any dangerous insect-carried disease like dengue or malaria.
Warnings When Choosing Spray-In Foam as Insulation Method for Your Home You can not implement this insulation method all by yourself; everyone, even the handiest of homeowners, will still need the aid and experience of a professional.
Spray-in foam insulation is also more suitable for homes that are still in its pre-construction and construction stages.
Homes that have already been built may be subjected to a little physical alteration - and yes, that means cracking certain parts of house - to properly install the insulation system.