How to Boil Glass Flasks
- 1). Set a ring stand on a level work surface in a laboratory, free from any stray objects or flammable materials.
- 2). Slide a ring stand clamp over the center pole of the ring stand.
- 3). Adjust the clamp to the desired height and tighten it in place by turning its knob clockwise. There should be enough room for a glass flask, Bunsen burner and flame beneath the clamp.
- 4). Fill a glass flask approximately half full with water.
- 5). Place the glass flask in the clamping arm of the clamp. If the clamp has a tightening knob, tighten the clamp by turning the knob clockwise until it holds the flask in place by its neck. Do not over-tighten the clamp, as it can break the flask.
- 6). Set a Bunsen burner beneath the bottom of the glass flask.
- 7). Attach one end of a length of rubber tubing to the gas nozzle on the Bunsen burner. Attach the opposite end of the tubing to a gas supply spigot.
- 8). Put on safety glasses.
- 9). Turn on the gas supply by turning the knob on the gas spigot and ignite the gas exiting the top of the Bunsen burner with a spark igniter.
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Adjust the flame by turning the Bunsen burner's flame adjustment knob until the flame is barely touching the bottom of the glass flask.