Science Projects on Basketball Backboards
- Examine the impact of a basketball player's position on his shooting percentages . Choose two subjects who are roughly the same height. Have them each hold a basketball chest high and then mark down how many baskets each subject scores. Repeat the experiment with the subjects hold the basketballs in different positions to compare shooting percentages.
- Place a backboard with the hoop at eye level. Experiment by rotating the ball on the rim of the hoop. Observe and record whether the direction of the ball on the rim has any impact on its chances of going into the net.
- Find out how much a player depends on her other senses when shooting free throws. Have the player throw a number of free throws to grow comfortable with the court. First have the subject throw 20 shots with her eyes open, then blindfold her and have her shoot 20 more free shots. Compare the scores.
- Observe whether the color of the backboard impacts the players' shooting percentage. Use colored tape to vary the color and design of the backboard. Compare shooting percentages to see whether the visual changes had any impact on the shot percentages.