Effects of Fragrances on Our Moods
It's long been contested whether fragrances affect our mood or not. Aromatherapy - the art of healing with fragrant essential oils, claims it does. These essential oils are said to have a direct pharmacological effect. Aroma therapists claim there is a synergy between the body and the aromatic oils. This therapy is fast becoming popular as an alternative approach for helping the mind, body, and spirit feel relaxed and rejuvenated, creating a soothing and tranquil atmosphere and stimulating the senses.
Recent studies also show that smells can evoke strong emotional reactions. They can stimulate or calm us, encourage a good mood or bad, shape positive or negative memories and induce sweet dreams. In fact, in surveys on reactions to odors, responses show that many of our olfactory likes and dislikes are based purely on emotional associations. While sniffing a particular scent can trigger specific moods, it's hardly automatic. Scents trigger moods because of associative learning— the way our brains tie things together due to past experiences. Before the mind can link an odor to a particular mood, it first needs to associate that odor with an event or experience. Our olfactory bulbs are directly connected to the limbic system, the most ancient and primitive part of the brain, which is thought to be the seat of emotion and thus causes associative learning. This explains why one is reminded of hospitals on rubbing spirit.
Scientists are also increasingly confirming what aroma therapists and perfumes have always believed: fragrance affects psychology. By measuring brain wave activity and heart rate, researchers have proved that fragrance has different effects on us. While some scents can have a calming and soothing effect, others can have an invigorating and stimulating one. Current studies designed to pinpoint the specific mood effects of fragrances are focusing on a method of psychological evaluation called "mood profiling" or "mood mapping" which helps identify which fragrances make us feel better.
Today, fragrances are used in a variety of products, from perfumes to cosmetics and from skin care to home care products. They are even very popular as home fragrance products like reed diffusers, oil burners and scented candles. The reason fragrances are so popular is because of their ability to take us to a place of calm and peace. They can rejuvenate our minds and energize our senses. When we surround ourselves with a fragrance we like, we instantly minimize stress and begin to feel relaxed and comfortable.
Different fragrances can have different effects on our mood and well-being. Smell can invoke memories and create new ones. Certain aromas stimulate hormones that influence emotions, which cause a change in our behavior. People react differently to fragrances depending upon their aromatic memories, personal tastes, cultural backgrounds and their experiences. The right perfume not only changes our mood but also lifts our spirits.
The various varieties of fragrances can be categorized into different groups depending on their characteristics and effects. One of the most common groups is of citrus fragrances. These generally include scents of lemon, oranges, grapefruits, bergamot etc. These fragrances are known to have a stimulating, uplifting, invigorating and energizing effect. They are also said to increase concentration and alertness. These scents are best used in the mornings and are generally preferred in bathing products. The next category is of floral fragrances. These generally comprise of scents of flowers like lavender, jasmine, rose etc. These scents have a soothing, calming and relaxing effect. Lavender is especially said to help relieve stress, depression and anxiety and is also known to cure insomnia, nervous disorders and headaches. Floral fragrances are most commonly used in perfume making. Another popular category is of fruity fragrances. These often consist of scents of fruits like cherries, golden mango, mulberries, honey almond etc. These scents make hard to resist and delicious smelling perfumes which have an uplifting effect while inducing happiness. Next in line is the herb and spice group, which include scents of cinnamon, cardamom, rosemary etc. These scents are known to sharpen our senses apart from fighting exhaustion and fatigue. Yet another common group is of woody fragrances, comprising of scents of sandalwood, cedar wood, pine etc. which are known to have relaxing and calming effects. They also help soothe irritation and fight depression.
Thus, the ability of a fragrance to make us smell good and feel desirable, to invoke memories and stir emotions, to uplift our moods and enliven our spirits is quite phenomenal. This boost of positivity in our everyday life increases vitality, improves our drive to accomplish, and increases our resistance to failure. These attributes make the usage of fragrances very popular, wide spread and diverse. However, having all this said, we use fragrances because they make us happy. We use them for their feel-good factor!