Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy - How to Tell the Answer of "Am I Pregnant?"
You don't want to visit the doctor but also don't know the earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
If this is your present scenario then following reading will be of great help to you.
Though signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; still there are some earliest possible signs of pregnancy that will be of help to you.
Missed Period: One of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy is missed period.
This sign normally causes most women to go for a pregnancy test.
This is a good signal and right answer of "am I pregnant".
However it is possible for a pregnant woman to bleed slightly in the first month.
Morning Sickness: Another symptom of pregnancy is morning sickness.
Normally it starts within two weeks of conception.
Most women have this nauseous feeling in their first trimester.
Swollen or Tender Breasts: Having swollen or tender breasts is another earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
Normally this symptom begins within two weeks of conception.
Pregnant women can notice the darkening of their areolae.
Breasts also become slightly more sensitive.
Implantation Bleeding: Implantation bleeding is another earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
The embryo implants itself within 6 to 10 days after conception.
During this implantation women may feel cramping and light spotting, termed implantation bleeding.
Fatigue: Feeling, exhaustion and tiredness is another symptom of pregnancy.
The women feel wiped out even by the routine work.
Frequent Urination: This is a classic symptom of pregnancy and affects all pregnant women.
Headache: The increased level of hormone in early pregnancy triggers headaches.