Solar Cell Phones: Are They Real And How They Can Help Your Business
The Hold-Up
The idea of implementing solar technology in a device as technologically advanced as, say, an iPhone, seems to be a no-brainer. Such an innovation has the potential to benefit your company cell phone usage, but also give you a selling point for your app(s). However, even the most obvious ideas can be incredibly difficult to bring to fruition. For instance, the main reason solar cells have yet to be integrated with mobile devices is due to the shortcomings of current solar cell technology. Most cells small enough to fit on a cell phone simply cannot produce the necessary energy to power the device. With that said, there is still hope that the solar cell technology currently in development will help make the idea a reality. Â
Solar Cell Possibilities
With solar cell phone aspirations quickly fading to the wayside, recent news has surfaced about an energy company claiming to have figured out a method of placing the most efficient solar cell available into a cell phone. Such a modification is not a simple undertaking, and even after achieving the placement of an effective solar cell, there is no guarantee that it will actually generate the energy necessary to run the device over time.
Alta Devices is the Silicon Valley-based company to intertwine the high-efficiency solar cells into mobile devices. Perhaps most notable, is that the cells actually work symbiotically with an existing battery, thus increasing its capacity by up to 80%, which can naturally lead to more talk time and more app usage. If you are company with one or more apps, this could have huge potential. More battery life and easier recharging on user cell phones means more opportunity for them to use your apps. In turn, it could lead to more revenue and even reduced mobile expenses on your end. Â
With that said, the difficulty for the engineers and designers has been creating a gallium arsenide cell that is small, light, flexible, and effective enough to work on a powerful device like a cell phone. Up until recently, such cells have been integrated with small devices such as calculators and watches, which simply do not require as much energy as a multi-functional mobile device.
The market for a partially or fully powered cell phone from solar energy may turn out to be equally beneficial to your apps and business as a whole. If brought to full fruition, solar powered cell phones could not only improve usage within your company, but also translate to higher rewards for your customers. Our team of experts at Copper Mobile is always keeping abreast of the latest developments in mobile technology, including any details about solar powered cell phones. Such developments will undoubtedly hold a future benefit on any mobile apps or technology we develop for our clients.