Fall Heirloom Tomato Plants
- In cool climates where fall temperatures are below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, plant early varieties such as Buckbee's new 50-day heirloom. In warmer climates where fall temperatures have not yet completely cooled off, plant medium-early varieties such as Early Annie (60 days to harvest) and Marmande (67 days to harvest).
- Because heirloom tomatoes must grow and produce fruit quickly in a fall garden, they should be grown in ideal soil conditions. Tomatoes grow best in well-draining garden loam. Squeeze a handful of soil to test for adequate soil structure. If the soil forms a pasty ball, it has too much clay and will drain poorly. If the soil runs out between your fingers, it has too much sand and will not absorb water adequately. Garden loam will form a crumbly ball. Amend sandy and clay soils with compost to improve water absorption and drainage.
- Fertilize heirloom tomatoes in the fall garden with an organic tomato fertilizer at planting time. Conduct a soil test and add organic fertilizer at rates recommended in the soil analysis. In the absence of a soil test, apply 3/4 lime and 1/2 cup of a balanced organic tomato fertilizer to the soil around each plant. At bloom, fruit setting and every four weeks thereafter, side dress tomato plants with a low-nitrogen, high-phosphorous fertilizer such as 5-10-10.
- Purchase well-established tomato transplants to grow in the fall. These partially grown plants will reduce the days-to-harvest time by four to five weeks. Water transplants daily for the first two weeks to quickly expand the root system. Soil should be kept moist most of the day but allowed to dry during evening and nighttime hours when temperatures drop.
- To grow heirloom tomatoes quickly enough for a fall harvest, provide consistent and adequate irrigation to the plants. Form a slight basin around each tomato plant to hold water. For two weeks after planting tomato transplants, maintain moist soil from early morning to late afternoon. Allow the soil to dry in the evening and nighttime hours when temperatures drop. At week three, water tomato plants deeply once a week. Water plants six inches to eight inches below the surface of the soil.